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Boeing 767-300ER GE CF6-80C Model AWL

7 Screenshots

About This File

Alright, now onto the important stuff

BOEING 767-300ERS ARE HERE! This one has one PAX door and Winglets :D


  • The plane may have an epileptic seizure in flight, to rectify this, turn off the artificial stability, located on the top left corner of the overhead panel
  • The plane's LIT textures do not include windows of the fuselage
  • The plane has a known throttle hardware issue, we are still trying to figure out what causes it
  • Reading the manual is very useful, be sure to take a look at it before consulting with me.

This plane is subject to copyright by all developers, in order to re-distribute, modify, or otherwise share this plane, you MUST ask all of the following for permission and credit them on the post:

Hiroshi Igami: Objects

Peter Tram: Normal map texturing

Philip Foglar: Base textures and liveries

Jzeitlin: liveries

Matthew Huerta: Liveries

Jerry Ng: Sounds

Michael Chang: Flight model, objects, liveries

Redistribution of this file without the consent of all of the above is strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated.

Ground services:

This plane has a set of stairs that appear when the main PAX door is opened, activation is covered in the manual.

This Boeing 767-300ER is equipped with over ten liveries! Credits to the paints are as follows:

Philip Foglar:

LAN Chile, American Airlines


American Airlines One World, Delta Habitat for Humanity, Delta Skyteam

Matthew Huerta:

Delta Airlines

Other liveries include:


Other credits:

Hiroshi Igami: animation guidance

Warren Daniel (CEO of CLS): Flight model data

Enjoy your flights, Michael Chang.

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