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Charlie last won the day on July 10 2012

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    NZWN, Wellington, New Zealand

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  1. File Name: NZWN Wellington International Airport File Submitter: Charlie File Submitted: 07 Oct 2015 File Category: DSF Scenery Packages X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 10 I've been working on this on and off for ages and I thought that I may as well share it. Requires Openscenery X. Click here to download this file
  2. 521 downloads

    I've been working on this on and off for ages and I thought that I may as well share it. Requires Openscenery X.
  3. Do you think it would be better to buy a 4gb 760 or a 2gb 770?
  4. I'm looking to buy a new graphics card for X-Plane 10. At the moment my specs are intel i5-3570 @ 3.4GHZ Nvidia Geforce gt 630, which is a real bottleneck. I'm looking to spend up to $285USD which must include shipping to New Zealand. I have been looking at the GTX 760 on Amazon but I was wondering if I could get decent peformance out of a GTX 750ti which I can afford from a New Zealand based shop (Computer components are really overpriced here, but I wouldn't have to wait for it to ship and I would have better customer support if anything went wrong). Do you think I will be worth the extra cost and time to get the GTX 760? Or am I looking at the complete wrong card all together?
  5. Please make a v9 version, please.
  6. WOW. This scenery blew me away, amazing work.
  7. I'm going to get the computer with the 630 now just because with all of the work I'm doing for school now I really need a computer thats able to run Microsoft Office and GIMP which this computer can't. With my current job it will only take about 1 and a half school terms to save for the GTX 660 Ti which isn't too bad, especially as I won't need to upgrade the power supply. And anyway, there is now way for it to run X-Plane any worse than the computer which I'm on now .
  8. I love playing sports and racing games like fifa and forza and I also like nearly all simulation games like Euro Truck sim. I never play shooting games because I can't aim the gun. =D
  9. I'm going to get the 630 because of the price but I've gotten a more powerful Power Supply so there is room to upgrade more powerful GPU in the (hopefully) near future. I'm looking into getting the intel but I'm not sure I will be able to afford it along with the upgraded Power Supply.
  10. I think I'm going to have to get a system with quite a weak graphics card that I can look at upgrading to something much more powerful.
  11. Do you think I should just stick with the Nvidia Geforce GT 630?
  12. Alright, This system will be slightly more expensive but just within my budget: CPU: AMD FX-8350 GPU: Nvidia Geforce 480 1.5 GB RAM: 8GB I don't know which one will work better with X-Plane but I'll be getting the one that does
  13. When I said "for X-Plane" I lied a little . I also need to have some stuff for school (Microsoft office, notepad++ etc.), some photo editing stuff and I have about 50-55GB of stuff that I need to transfer but I'm used to restarting the computer before using xp from the crappy family computer
  14. I am thinking of buying a new computer for X-Plane. The computer I'm currently looking at has: CPU: Intel i5 3570 Ivy Bridge 3.4Ghz GPU: Nvidia Geforce GT 630 2GB DDR3 RAM: 8GB HDD: Seagate/WD 1TB I don't need Ultra high graphics but I do want to be able to run xp10 decently. I don't have much more money to upgrade to anything too much more expensive but I am wondering if I could get anything better with what I have.
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