Just wondering what people's thoughts were regarding this topic. I'm currently in the market for a new PC and I'm wondering what other people's opinions are regarding x-plane and how it's preformed for them. When I purchased x-plane 10 I was sent a link to x-force website http://xforcepc.com/store/index.php/computers.html/ Never heard of them before but I took a look and was impressed that somebody actually built custom PC's for x-plane however I was a little dismade by the fact that absolutely no one had posted any reviews of their products. Has anyone here ever heard of them or have any opinions on their products? It seems like a lot of serious x-plane users either build their own systems or I guess buy custom made ones. Personally, I've been using Dell products for over 30 years and although I know they may not be the best platform for this application, I have an old Dell in my basement (Dell XPS 6301, Intel Core 2 Quad Q9300 CPU @ 2.50GHz, 6 GB RAM, running Windows Vista, 64-bit. with a NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT) so far, at least using the demo version, x-plane seems to work fine. Probably not the best graphics quality but things run smooth with no hang ups or crashes. Anyway..if anyone would care to comment or leave feedback that would be great. Thanks!