Hi Everyone, I'm currently working on a scenery for EHEH, Eindhoven Airport in the Netherlands. This is my first project and currently it drives me crazy.... I started off with the default airport layout as provided by X-Plane (10.10rc3) and decided to use this as a template and enhance from there. This worked perfectly although I had to restart clean a few times. Although it is quite a steep learning curve I gained experience and made some nice progress. I discovered OE as well which made it rather comfortable to place facade buildings and place pre-defined objects from the libraries. So far so good until WED suddenly stopped to process polygones. I made some Apron markings (like MAXSPAN38M) using the taxiway parts from the opensceneryx library in WED and they perfectly showed up in X-Plane. Somewhat later I used the same polygone parts and spend a few hours on making taxiway stand markings to discover that these were not showing up in X-Plane at all. WED does show them but I cannot get them visible in X-Plane. Whatever I try no polygone that I place in this scenery will show up in X-Plane anymore. If you look at the pictures I made a stand marking (B5) using the opensceneryx elements and nesides it a square made using the normal taxiway tool. The latter one does show up in X-plane the polygone want. I'm struggling with this problem for a week now and cannot find a solution. I made these stand markings in OE now but it is not as comfortable and precise as WED in placement. I did a test with another (default) field by placing the same kind of marking on the tarmac, load it up in X-plane and it was OK. What could I have done wrong that caused this nasty issue??? Is there anybody out there who has some suggestions to solve this? regards, Lizz