Hi everyone, There is a problem that I have been having recently with the Cessna Corvalis. For whatever reason, both the moving map and the inset map on the PFD have not been showing the aircraft icon. This isn't a very big issue, as I can usually figure out where I am from looking outside and looking on the map but without the icon, but it can be annoying at times. Everything else seems to be working fine, and I have not to my knowledge modified the Corvalis folder in any way. Thank you to anyone who has any suggestions. Three other questions: Is the crosstie switch functional? Also, when the backup fuel pump switch is switched on, is it arming, or is it actually turning on when the switch is flipped on? Finally, how does one determine which fuel tank the fuel selector is set to? One comment about the fuel selector, it seems like it is impossible to switch in 3d cockpit mode, as it always goes to the off position instead of turning in the commanded direction, so I have to go into 2d mode in order to switch fuel tanks. My apologies for all of the questions; I am not very familiar with the real Cessna Corvalis.