With the TorqueSim aircraft configuration window, I set both fuel sliders to zero (far left) and I left X-Plane.
When restarting X-Plane and reloading the BN-2 Islander, both fuel sliders were still at zero (far left), but it was then impossible to move both fuel sliders to add fuel, they were locked to the left. I could change the amount of fuel using the X-Plane menu, but the fuel sliders were blocked at zero in the aircraft configuration window.
I searched in the aircraft files where this value is saved to unblock the situation, but I couldn't find it. It's not in the files TorqueSim \TorqueSim BN-2 Islander\plugins\is_systems\settings\persist.cfg and \TorqueSim BN-2 Islander\plugins\is_systems\settings\settings.cfg
The only way to unblock the situation was to reinstall the aircraft...