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About azrulvelentino

  • Birthday November 28

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  • Location
    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Interests
    Aviation Of Course =)

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  1. need more help ? Don't hesitate to PM me
  2. I forgot to add one more thing in the description You guys need OpenSceneryX & R2 Library installed in your custom Scenery Folder If you previously downloaded the KLIA scenery before this please remove it and replace it with my scenery I will post the VHHH soon sorry for the late reply... been out of town
  3. File Name: Kuala Lumpur International Airport File Submitter: azrulvelentino File Submitted: 10 Nov 2013 File Category: DSF Scenery Packages X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 9 & 10 This is a scenery of the Kuala Lumpur International Airport It also consist of the LCCT terminal which the base for Air Asia Company For more information : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuala_Lumpur_International_Airport * NO COPYRIGHT INTENDED* *Some of the terminal buildings may not look correct because they will be floating 2-5 feet above ground* *This scenery is a converted version of FSX via FS2Xplane to work in X-plane 10* For Installation : 1. Extract the zip file 2. Place the WMKK folder in your Custom Scenery Folder Click here to download this file
  4. Version 1.1


    This is a scenery of the Kuala Lumpur International Airport It also consist of the LCCT terminal which the base for Air Asia Company For more information : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuala_Lumpur_International_Airport * NO COPYRIGHT INTENDED* *Some of the terminal buildings may not look correct because they will be floating 2-5 feet above ground* *This scenery is a converted version of FSX via FS2Xplane to work in X-plane 10* For Installation : 1. Extract the zip file 2. Place the WMKK folder in your Custom Scenery Folder
  5. The story behind this aircraft http://jeshirlsdc3toy.multiply.com/journal/item/3?&show_interstitial=1&u=%2Fjournal%2Fitem This was my first aircraft i boarded when i was a small boy... The moment I stepped in the aircraft i fall in loveeds
  6. Hey Can you make a Malaysian Airlines Livery for A330 and the One World Malaysian Airlines Livery.
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