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Everything posted by kdyke

  1. I can reproduce the flashing USS Nimitz issue with 100% reliability on my setup (Mac OS X, X-Plane 10.11) with only 4 steps. 1. Start up with the Cessna Corvalis TTX as the default plane 2. Press the rightmost soft key on the MFD to clear the startup screen 3. Rotate the small FMS knob to the right 4. Press the ENT key At this point the waypoint window disappears, and any attempt to bring it up again via the small FMS knob flashes it briefly showing the USS Nimitz as the other folks have reported. If I follow the normal instructions for entering waypoints I'm also not able to see any of the keys being entered, but once I finish entering the airport callsign (like KPAO) it shows up. That may just be a separate rendering glitch though. -Ken
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