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Everything posted by thordk

  1. OK...(yes it is windows)...that makes sense since it happens with other AC as well. Thanks for the heads up though :-)
  2. A-320 Neo BETA 18.02.2013 Does anyone know if the JarDesign group want any feedback from their beta versions of the A-320? If so, where can I post my findings? The latest beta (18.02.2013) works great, but after about 20 mins of flying, my frame rate drops from the usual 35 to 19-20 and stays fixed there. The only way to get the frame rate back, without restarting the aircraft, is by restarting SASL. Anyone else had this happen?
  3. @harry been away for a bit....hope all is well in CA...I'm over her in Denmark....do have some friends in Canada...I used to live in Texas where I met some Canadians....always a positive experience :-). But anyway, my opinion is that this A320 is a great effort and I really like it :-) Off topic: Just bought the Carenado Baron the other day....I was lacking a civ twin and for me it was important to have anti ice (the other considered was the Carenado Seneca II)...I'm up north hehe...I always fly with real weather and usually with real time...and even if it's dark...and during winter it always is. It's just that it's not always that I want to program the FMS (A320) just to go fly...so I choose smaller....fire it up and go :-)
  4. @harry...what is your favorite route with the a320? I'm in Denmak so I fly EKBI to LOWI a lot....love the approach....especially when I can't see anything LOWK is really nice as well.
  5. Full service right there on the runway
  6. @harry nice video BTW...just watched it....
  7. Yeah really like this one...it just works...and flies great...a lot of nice touches like the announcements...stairs....push-back...and all the other amazing details. The cockpit lighting also works very well IMHO :-) I'm so glad I discovered it and bought it...no looking back here ;-)
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