I have 2 Question really. In the C90B, Does this aircraft have a tenency to torque left when taking of?? I can undersand this on the ground but after i take off, It also has this tendency and i have to really try to hold it straight on take off. I mean its really a hard right to get it bck center. My second question is with the autopilot My experiance so far with this aircraft is if you fly too slow, say at about 60 knots or below, the autopilot is knocked off line. I understand that but, What is the oprocedure for turning it on? After i set my ALT and V/S, do I press the ARM button on the FMC??? then once in the air to start my flight plan i press theLOC button. Or am i missing something because I am Fighting with having to keep the plan going straigt so that i dont scare my passengers with haveng to look down and engage the autopilot.