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  1. ound what it was. I think all props have that tendency to back left or right when taking off. The way i fixed this tendency was to yuse a little rudder. I never thought that rudder would keep the plane from banking. I am wondering if this is a centering of the rudder issue or its the it is done.
  2. I have 2 Question really. In the C90B, Does this aircraft have a tenency to torque left when taking of?? I can undersand this on the ground but after i take off, It also has this tendency and i have to really try to hold it straight on take off. I mean its really a hard right to get it bck center. My second question is with the autopilot My experiance so far with this aircraft is if you fly too slow, say at about 60 knots or below, the autopilot is knocked off line. I understand that but, What is the oprocedure for turning it on? After i set my ALT and V/S, do I press the ARM button on the FMC??? then once in the air to start my flight plan i press theLOC button. Or am i missing something because I am Fighting with having to keep the plan going straigt so that i dont scare my passengers with haveng to look down and engage the autopilot.
  3. I have the saitek rudder and yoke and the throttle quadrant along with the multi panel. I want to get the radio panel next
  4. If you are talking about the Garmn GPS reciever then what button do you push to engage it?
  5. The FMS is on the lower central console
  6. My understanding is you have to turn on Flight director in order for auto pilot to work. I will look again
  7. Is that the arm button on the FMS???
  8. Is there a fkight director button or control for this aircraft?
  9. But can you and where do you engage the autopilot in the c90 b???
  10. OK found it.. It wasnt b but V I toggled V several times to make sure it worked so is that teh default for the brakes? B or V for all planes?
  11. No that didnt do it
  12. cool thanks
  13. I dont want to sound like an idiot but if one never asks......then you wouldnt know. Where, in the King Air C90B is the parking break and how do you release it so you can start taxing. I have looked and looked and all i do is sit there and rev up the engines.
  14. I also download the Apollo Gloabal AirMap To see if i acan input flight plans into it. I wanted something that would display on a GPS type insurment to show me if i was on course.
  15. OK keith...Ill try by using the vors
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