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Patrik Hedström

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Posts posted by Patrik Hedström

  1. How can you call one of the most advanced fighters out there a piece of crap? More countries have ordered the F-35 than the rafale. just because you don't like the "exterior styling" or something like that,  doesn't mean it isn't good. The F-35 is like the harrier, but better.

    That is your opinion, I have mine.


    And its not the "exterior styling" that I don't like...

  2. I dont think so. More likely it was a security hole, found by an automated scan to see if any Invision Powerboards still have the exploit, and they inject.[*]


    Lots of time and effort just to inject something on a redirect page targeting only Win32/XP users doesn't seem like a targeted attack against any particular site.


    - CK.


    [*] The Opinions/Analysys expressed above are my own, but may be rented for a nominal fee.

    Good point.

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