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Everything posted by horani

  1. Kyle, in case you want to accurately plan your flights, you should be aware of each aircraft's limitations in real world operations. It is not about what the plane should be capable of on the paper, but what it really is considering all circumstances. You would not believe what, for example, T7 can (should) be capable of based on paper qualifications. Does anybody push it to these limits in RW? Absolutely not! So that either: 1. You would like to find out what CRJ2 is capable of based on paper qualifications for which sim is great as you can break many safety considerations. You've already experienced nosedive from FL350... or 2. You want to fly this bird as close as possible to RW, as it is SUPPOSED to be flown. In such a case you will not push it that far and therefore the FL280 (about) would be your limit.
  2. Kyle, I had a look randomly on those flights and MOST of them are bellow 28,000 feet filed. The only exception is SkyWest at 33,000 feet KMSP-KAPN i.e. Air Canada, for example, is flying them bellow FL280 as are most European operators. I really think that in the real world they do not go above 28,000 feet usually. I do not know what to say except for what has been said already. I am not CRJ2 pilot, but I've seen the almost everyday as well as their pilots. I know there are real world CRJ2 pilots active on another forums, please search and try to get in touch with them. Regards Horani
  3. Kyle, I am RW pilot, however not certified for CRJ2. I've never seen them above FL280, they don't climb very well above FL220. CRJ2 is very underpowered and theory here is different than the real aircraft. Surely you can try anything in sim. I would be interested to see the chart saying FL380 is optimal cruise for even empty CRJ200. BTW, which "real world" charts are you reffering to? It might be helpful if somebody certified for CRJ will step in here.
  4. I do not know exactly what you mean. However first of - in the RW the CRJ2 is not flying anywhere close to the FLs you'v mentioned... 365? C'mon...
  5. Awesome, can't wait to fly on PE with 64bit! Have to wait for the Mac version thought.... ETA?
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