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  1. What are you using to drive the screen? I see you're using a Leo Bodnar BBI-64 as your button controller (as am I for many of my panels). I've still not gotten to the CDU yet since it's the most complicated panel.
  2. Ah ha! -- that was what I had set incorrectly. I'm looking at this on my "dev" system which was just using default XP11 graphics setting (which seemed to be 'Medium'). Once I enabled HDR, all the lighting appears (and looks really good, btw). Thanks! -M.
  3. As I get further along with my CL650 cockpit build, I've just discovered that there doesn't seem to be an obvious way to request ground services other than through the menu -- is that true, or is there a command for it?
  4. It looks like I had not turned the pedestal integrated lighting knob to full bright. With all the knobs verified as full bright, this is what I now see. Is the 'Flood' lighting supposed to light up the cockpit itself? Are the 'Floor' lighting switches supposed to do anything?
  5. After having been very focused on panel building the complicated pedestal panels for my simulator, I'm down to the pilot-side cockpit lighting panel. I wanted to be sure I knew exactly what lights each knob controlled so I fired up the the CL650 at night using external AC power. With the battery on and external AC power on and all lighting knobs turned up, the cockpit is still basically dark. I have backlighting on the overhead, but nothing on the pedestal. The map lights don't illuminate anything. Is this the way it's supposed to look?
  6. I have six PCs in my simulator, 1 of which is the 'master' where I run the full version of whatever airplane I'm flying. The other five PCs provide external views in a 180 deg, wrap-around configuration. When licensing permits, I like to use the same airplane on the external views so I can see a little bit of the interior of the cockpit and gives me landing/taxi lights -- that adds to the immersion quite a bit (and permits night operations). When I cannot do that, I fly a dummy airplane on the exterior view PCs. The problem with the 'dummy' approach is that it means I have no exterior landing or taxi lights, and that means no night operations. It feels like cruel-and-unusual punishment to limit my flying in the CL650 to daytime flights only, but it's just too expensive to buy a full copy of the Challenger 650 for all my external view PCs (and I'm not all sure those 'slave' copies would behave correctly if I did, given the complexity of this beast). It would be awesome if there was a 'shell' of the CL650 that was modeled with landing/taxi lights but no other functionality for those of us with multi-pc simulators. -M.
  7. I will as the build proceeds. Still doing modeling with Fusion 360 right now. -M.
  8. That's exactly the information I was looking for (and pretty much what I suspected) -- thank you! -M.
  9. There are many, many datarefs that come in "pairs". For example: CL650/overhead/elec/batt_master and CL650/overhead/elec/batt_master_value Both seem to track the same state, though it seems that quite often one of the datarefs is a float while the other is an integer. What is the difference between these very common "pairs"? Is the xxx_value version the appropriate one to use to track state (for setting a button image on a StreamDeck, for example)? -M>
  10. Wow, thanks a million! So those are standard aviation panel sizes and yeah, that overhead is pretty darned small (and thanks, Pils, for confirming that). I've considered doing a cockpit buildout a few times over the years, but ultimately decided not to because the underlying aircraft just wasn't complex enough to merit the work. The PMDG 737NG was close -- but I've pretty much abandoned P3D and MSFS just isn't at the 'serious flight simmer' stage yet. The CL650 is totally worth of the effort -- what an amazing job you guys did.
  11. If I could get the six dimensions in the two attached images, I'll be able to scale everything else to the level of accuracy I need. I'm not trying to be ultra-precise -- just in the right ball park as I layout my panels. A is the width of the 'Electrical Power' panel B is the height of the 'Electrical Power' panel C is the width of the overhead at (approximately) its widest point D is the total width of the panels that make up the FCP E is the width of one of the MFDs F is the height of one of the MFDs That's it -- I'm pretty sure I can work things out from there. Thanks! -M.
  12. I'm starting a serious buildout of the CL650 cockpit and need a little information on actual cockpit dimensions. I've search Google with as many terms as I could think of, but I'm unable find any documentation on dimensions. If I can get an actual dimension of almost anything, I believe I can scale everything else from there. For example, are the avionics panels the standard "Boeing" width of 5.75", and do they follow the standard Dzus "rack units" for height? After trying to scale things from that perspective, I'm suspecting they're wider than that because that leads me to a ridiculously small overhead panel (only about 12" x 18") -- which seems crazy. Any clues at all would help me enormously! Thanks! -Mark
  13. Thanks for the extremely fast response! I was able to d/l the POH from the link you gave me -- it's fine. If you're interested, I can send you one of the corrupted manuals. I don't know that it will tell you anything though. Should I try downloading the original zip file again? Also, thanks for the information on setting up for my external visuals -- that's a sigh of relief from me you hear! -M.
  14. After purchasing the Cessna Corvalis and installing it on my X-Plane 10.11 system, I tried to read the POH and tutorial -- in both cases Adobe reports the files are damaged and cannot be repaired. The "spec&desc.pdf" and "LargeBrochure.pdf" files both open fine (but don't really do me any good). I loaded up the aircraft in XP to give it a try anyway and I cannot start the engine. There is a CAS message that says "Fuel Valve" -- I cannot *find* the fuel valve to check it (which is why I wanted the manuals....). Separately, I have a sim setup that has multiple networked displays. I probably should have checked before I bought the plane, but am I not allowed to copy the aircraft files to my 'external visual' display systems? (they don't seem to work after doing so, anyway). Thanks, -M.
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