I have six PCs in my simulator, 1 of which is the 'master' where I run the full version of whatever airplane I'm flying. The other five PCs provide external views in a 180 deg, wrap-around configuration. When licensing permits, I like to use the same airplane on the external views so I can see a little bit of the interior of the cockpit and gives me landing/taxi lights -- that adds to the immersion quite a bit (and permits night operations). When I cannot do that, I fly a dummy airplane on the exterior view PCs. The problem with the 'dummy' approach is that it means I have no exterior landing or taxi lights, and that means no night operations.
It feels like cruel-and-unusual punishment to limit my flying in the CL650 to daytime flights only, but it's just too expensive to buy a full copy of the Challenger 650 for all my external view PCs (and I'm not all sure those 'slave' copies would behave correctly if I did, given the complexity of this beast).
It would be awesome if there was a 'shell' of the CL650 that was modeled with landing/taxi lights but no other functionality for those of us with multi-pc simulators.