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  1. Sounds good will look out for it
  2. OK all good now thanks for your help and great plane
  3. Hi Cameron, Ok I understand and I guess I know what I mean but have difficulty relaying it by text. Hope this is enough info. (1) have done a reinstall of my operating sys win 10. (2) have re-downloaded the Duchess. (3) am able to get to the entering of my X-Aviation email (4) receive message "you need to specify a value" cant go further I presume it is only the email that is required as there is only one text box to use. Double checked my email with X-Aviation account and is correct. If I am not following the correct procedure then I apologize in advance. Regards, John
  4. Hi Cameron, Thanks for your reply, Perhaps I was not clear, what I cant do is install the Duchess on my win10 - 64bit, latest version of both. What I have found is that the installer "Bitrock Installbuilder" may need updating! I have another program using this installer with the same incompatability. I have no problem installing other programs! Sorry if this is not the forum for my enquiry but I am stumped as to how to fix. Cheers, John
  5. Hi Guys, Not sure if you can help, have just bought the Duchess but it appears the installer is not compatable with my Win10, 64bit, i7,GEforce. Any ideas on how to fix or update the installer. Cheers, John
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