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About Gourmador

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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Gourmador's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I totally agree!!!
  2. Me too. Me too, guys!!!
  3. Hi there! I received the eMails with the 1.3 download link a couple weeks ago, too. But the link doesn`t work ("requested link not found").
  4. This sound`s excellent. I have currently one question about the incredible movie: How did you made the realistic moving camera in that movie? Is this made with the TrackIR system, or similar stuff? Can`t wait for this bird, Gourmador.
  5. Please take your time, for this awesome plane. Looks like X-Plane is on the same level like FS9 & FSX. And your guys are the reason for that! Good job. (BUT, I CAN`T WAIT, TOO) Greetings from Eastcoast, Gourmador
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