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Everything posted by ShadowIGM

  1. Hey Michael do you think xp jets make good planes?
  2. This is a suggestion if anyone can try to make f-35abc's for x-plane 10. It has to be detailed O.o! (One thing I don't know how to make planes so this is a suggestion for anyone who can do it.) I would suggest Zroman because he's the best.
  3. I'm happy! There are not many good 787's in fsx.
  4. One question why can't you use fs2004 planes to convert?
  5. Why does the vid say x-plane 9?
  6. The plane looks so simple...
  7. What happened to your a321 project? I thought it was already released.
  8. Ok... I found an fsx video with the 787. The 787 had the same cocpit and exterior....
  9. what planes will tis plugin be compatable with?
  10. Are you going to make a menu like the 777-200LR has were you can call the ground service and go to certain view like the overhead pannel? I also found the worst payware aircraft ever(it might not be the worst to you but it in another flight sim FSX)
  11. ooooooo...... easter eggs.......
  12. I don't really know what the plane looks like, I should look it up....
  13. Man....... I'm on a roll
  14. Will the aircraft be payware or freeware?
  15. Will the aircraft be payware or freeware?
  16. All the pictures you showed are they really the model?
  17. I found a bunch of info about the 787 on Wikipedia. You were right about the 787-9 because there is still not enough info about the -9. The -9's delivery will start in 2014 which is a long time from now. But keep up with the good work
  18. Are you going to do the 787-9 too?
  19. thanks for the info on fixing the 767's :)

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