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Everything posted by kristjank

  1. Well I must say find this statement in a condecending tone. Vague explainations and spiteful personal insinuation is something that does not instil in me an impression of professionalism. I hope this can be solved while discussions are kept civil.
  2. So, MaxW has sent the stuff to x-aviation, has he says here: on the .org forum any word on release to us the customers over here?
  3. Let me just say, take 5-10min to read the manual carefully or check the clarifications here on the forum, it's not at all complicated, I believe it's well explained. This is absolutely not any sort of reason to stay away from this plane! many may actually like it, just depends on how you use your sim. My workaround above is an option for those who don't want to use the feature.
  4. Ok, so most of you have probably had a run in with the control lock 'feature'. If you want to be able to just load the plane without going through the hoops you can install the xassign plugin. This creates an assignment profile that is saved in plane folder and is loaded every time. To set it up you need to: 1. Load any other plane, set up the controls as you want them for the Jestream 2. Select "Plugins - xassign - Save Global Set 1" 3. Load the Jetstream and select "Plugins - xassign - Load Global Set 1" 4. Select "Plugins - xassign - Save set 1" now you have your settings saved, and will load every time you open the plane, regardless of how you quit, or start the simulator, yay! this will create a file called "Jetstream32.acf.1.axes" located in the aircraft folder. If you ever want to change your setup you need to delete this file and then do steps 1-4 again. P.S. No offense to anyone, but I for one find this 'feature' very annoying, and in my very unprofessional opinion, considering the necessary trade-off's it is not worth simulating.
  5. Ok I solved this! here's what in case someone runs into the same thing. I had installed a beta, and then downgraded again which left the 32bit exe still in the directory, and out of habit I was trying to run that file instead of the other one, which is the 32bit non beta exe (but without 32bit in the filename).
  6. like I said: this does not fix it. thx, K.
  7. the whole preferenced directory? tried that, didn't work. the error dialog says, and looks like this: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- your settings config file is corrupted; please re-install X-Plane to fix this. Unknown data ref. Resoursces/settings.txt (REN_settings.cpp:229) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- best thanks, Kristjan
  8. Hi, Xp10 (latest non-beta, 10.11 I think) suddenly refuses to load and says my settings file is corrupt and I should reinstall x-plane. There must be a way to fix that without going through a complete install again, right? I have tried removing the resources/settings.txt file, that did not work, so I removed it and ran the updater and it downloaded a new settings file for me but I still get the same message. can anyone please help? (I'm quite anxious trying out the jetstream, very frustrating timing) best thanks, Kristján
  9. of the planes that I know of "in development" this is the one I'm most excited about.
  10. Christmas!? that's fantastic!
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