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Everything posted by peridoc

  1. I purchased some RS packages from the X-Aviation store today and yesterday and all of them are giving errors when downloading saying that a the first ZIP file of the package could not be downloaded and I am unable to get the scenery downloaded or installed. Is the system having issues delivering the packages or am I doing something wrong? Thanks, Keith
  2. Great! Thanks so much for the replies. Love the sim and the plane!
  3. First let me say that I am new to X-Plane (not to flight sims) and new to the CRJ 200. I started up the sim and loaded the CRJ and started to fly from KHSV toward the GAD VOR. (without a flight plan filed) I had set the VOR frequeency in my NAV1, but after a few minutes the NAV1 frequency suddenly changed to a different frequency and a totally different VOR. I reset the frequency and a few minutes later the same thing happened. This repeated over and over. I am not sure why this is happening, but since I did not notice this prior to the CRJ install, I thought I would start by asking here. Any thoughts? Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I would like to know why this is happening. Thanks!
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