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About Chuck2

  • Birthday May 20

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  • Location
    CYYC-Calgary International Airport
  • Interests
    Commercial Aviation, Track & Field, Calgary Flames, X-Plane 10, iMacs, Architecture, Hockey, Soccer, Calgary Airport's Expansion, A380-800, Top Gear

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  1. WOAH!!! You mean you actually read a previous post to see that you're not the only one, and that you agree?! Sorry to beat the dead horse...but it had to be said - the sarcasm is real (I completely respect you UA84) and i'm sorry Michael, that your thread has come to this...
  2. On the topic of 787s but not exactly this one... BA's 787 service has started today in Calgary!! Ok, I'm done... Michael, those screenshots are crazy amazing, I can't wait to fly her!
  3. Even if it doesn't, (which I think it will)...the modeling alone will surpass his jet by a sizable margin. This is the first plane in all of Free/Payware X-Plane to have a different custom interior for EVERY airline!!! That in itself is extremely impressive. While yes, it may not reach PMDG, it IS freeware, and it's for X-Plane, not FSX...(Apples vs Oranges here) IMO, Michael should be applauded for his massive efforts, not compared to Payware or other Simulators. -Chuck2
  4. And we should just let that stay behind us. He has changed so much for the better and we should keep encouraging him. (Referring to "him" to not hurt feelings and those who know, know, and those who don't, its not important)
  5. Will this window eventually be transparent or will it remain "painted" on? Other than that it looks AMAZING! I can't wait to get my hands on her! ...Now if only there was a code for user controlled window dimming...heck, thats X-Plane 22 Stuff!
  6. I just finished my last exam today! I'm looking forward to getting back to flying! Good luck to everyone else out there who still has exams! Happy summer to those in the North!\ Cheers!
  7. AMAZING!!! Is there any progress on the interior of that United 787 or the AC 787? I just was on one for united and wanted to compare, though I'm sure it is nearly right on if not perfect! Next thing you know you will have a way to be able to "dim" the windows as on the real plane Keep up the crazy awesome work! I can't wait to fly this baby...granted she's really not a baby...just...never mind
  8. Hey, take your time! I'm just impressed that you are handling school, and this project and everything else you do and are still making such a high quality product! I find it amazing that you take the time to make sure everything is accurate even for a freeware plane! Keep doing what you're doing!
  9. Quick question, and I'm sorry if this has already been asked before but will -8 and the -9 both be released in the fall or will the -8 be released first and the -9 sometime in the winter? Cheers, -Chuck2
  10. That will be AWESOME! Thanks! -Chuck2
  11. While this may seem like a "duh" question...Will each aircraft cabin be "true to life" to the real one for that airline? By your wording, I would assume yes, but I just want to make sure! Great work and I can't wait to try it out! Cheers! -Chuck2
  12. Read these last two pages.... There's your answer!
  13. Great Livery! A request would be that you make an Air Canada Express Livery for JRollon's CRJ-200! I already know there is one on the forum but it doesn't have .lit files. If you cold make one that would be great! Your quality of work is amazing!
  14. YAY!!! More developing!! Can't wait until it comes out! Cheers Mate!
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