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Posts posted by Michael_Chang

  1. ah, it automatically starts when the throttle handles hit maximum, just create an after burn sound set and add an after burner additional thrust in plane maker's engine specs section, because afterburners add some extra thrust, though I just set my afterburners to give 1 extra pound of thrust so that they don't throw off the function of the jet

    • Upvote 1
  2. Slow work animating the cockpit, but here's a quick screenshot of what has been animated (light green, pink)


    column by column, left to right


    Flight computers + protective cap (avionics)



    Engine Generators

    Electric hydraulic switches

    seatbelt switch

    dome lights

    ovhd text lights

    glareshield lights

    landing lights

    engine start switches 

    fuel pumps

    logo, beacon, strobe, taxi and navigation lights

    air conditioning re-circulation fans, upper and lower

    climate control cabin and cockpit




    • Upvote 2
  3. I'm sorry U2 Fan for your loss, but It's simply no longer logistically feasible, if I could develop for both, I would, but i have a life outside of XP and this project is starting to take up too much time, it's gotta finish eventually...


    anyways, I got all the electrical systems coded in place and now the plane can start itself in full 3d cockpit mode :D



    • Upvote 5
  4. Dear Mr. Chang,

    I am immensely disappointed in you and the entire team behind this project. It has been over two years I have been following this program and I always very happy that every single time that a member asked if this plane would work in v9.70 you would answer that yes it would work in v9.70 even if it was the last program that you and your team would make for v9.70. This made me think that you and your entire team where thinking about people like me who simply can not purchase a computer that can run v10. I am not the only member of the XP community that did not change to v10 for one reason or another, I always thought that you where kind and thinking towards us. Seems like I was wrong, you are just a plane maker like so many out there. I have question for you Mr. Chang, its been well over 2 years you have worked on the B787, so what will a few months more or less make as a difference?


    Best regards,


    U2 Fan


    Believe me, it wasn't an easy decision, however, the decision was made due to the nature of writing code for the plane. My abilities in computer programming only extend so far, and I'm afraid I can't write a lot of the code for V9 that is automatically simulated in V10. At this point, it just feels like a lot of backwards progress, because every time a break through in V10 happens, I have to go back to the V9 model and write a new line of non-functional code and waste hours trying to line it up properly. I'm truly sorry that the plane has become out of your reach, however V9 designing is just too difficult from a dev's standpoint when compared to V10. I'm really sorry, but as you said, this project's been going on for 2 years (wow) and I need to finish it sometime, and being V10 exclusive is the best for the community. I'm truly sorry.


    ~Michael Chang~

    • Upvote 2
  5. Phone mystery is not. Call my cell. Its been off for days, but it will ring on your end till my voice mail answers. I won`t know this till I turn it back back on.


    huh, I've never seen a phone that does that! My phone (iPhone 4) won't ring if it's off... though if that's the case then it would make sense!

  6. Hey everyone, we're pulling support for V9, it's become too tedious to write plugin code for things that are already simulated without coding for V10, as well, V9 has started running very slowly for me and is just too much of a hassle to work with, all 787 work will now be V10 exclusive.

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