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Posts posted by Michael_Chang

  1. File Name: Boeing 767-400ER

    File Submitter: Michael_Chang

    File Submitted: 08 Nov 2012

    File Category: Heavy Metal

    X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 9


    The 767-400ER!

    This release of this plane marks the final release in the Boeing 767 family, 35 fully animated and beautifully crafted models. Kinda amazing how there are so many versions of the plane. I'm so thankful that you all decided to welcome me back and give me this chance to prove my abilities. This was a great run of planes and i can't wait to see this all again when the 787 rolls onto the production line.

    Nice features:

    Brand new liveries

    Updated panel

    A special Wingflex formula, the same used on my future 787!

    Ground services

    detailed flight model

    anyways, you know the usual drill, READ THE MANUAL

    Turn of artificial stability


    • The plane may have an epileptic seizure in flight, to rectify this, turn off the artificial stability, located on the top left corner of the overhead panel
    • The plane's LIT textures do not include windows of the fuselage
    • Reading the manual is very useful, be sure to take a look at it before consulting with me.

    This plane is subject to copyright by all developers, in order to re-distribute, modify, or otherwise share this plane, you MUST ask all of the following for permission and credit them on the post:

    Hiroshi Igami: Objects

    Peter Tram: Normal map texturing

    Philip Foglar: Base textures

    Jerry Ng: Sounds

    Michael Chang: Flight model, objects, liveries

    Redistribution of this file without the consent of all of the above is strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated.

    Ground services:

    This plane has a set of stairs that appear when the main PAX door is opened, activation is covered in the manual.

    This Boeing 767-400ER is equipped with four paints,

    Boeing 767 "leading the way"



    Delta breast cancer special

    All by philip Foglar

    Additional paints by philip foglar converted by Jzeitlin can be found on this forum

    Other credits:

    Hiroshi Igami: animation guidance

    Warren Daniel (CEO of CLS): Flight model data

    I love you all so much, I'm so thankful <3


    Click here to download this file

  2. 767-400ER, coming soon to a computer near you, with updated wingflex and a new panel. More importantly, this wingflex is the same system used on the 787 (calibrated differently) so expect certain aspects of the 787's wingflex to look like this









    • Upvote 3
  3. File Name: Boeing 767-300F PW4000 Model WL

    File Submitter: Michael_Chang

    File Submitted: 08 Nov 2012

    File Category: Heavy Metal

    X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 9

    This, is a Boeing 767-300ER Freighter.

    Lots of people don't know the difference between the -F and the -BCF, so i'm here to explain. The -F has a larger rear cargo door, which is a lot wider than the -BCF's rear cargo door. That's the only difference. Also worth noting, the reason BCFs have small rear doors is because they were originally passenger jets, the BCF stands for boeing converted freighter. The -F comes in four versions, GE model L, GE model WL, PW model L and PW model WL. this is PW model WL


    Michael Chang: Animation, flight model

    Hiroshi Igami: Objects, animation guidance

    Philip foglar: base textures and DHL paint

    Peter Tram: Beta tester, Normal mapping

    Jerry Ng: Sounds

    Warren Daniel (CLS): Data and information

    Distribution of this file is strictly forbidden without the written consent of all of the above (except warren Daniel), and credits MUST be given to all of the above when re-posting.


    Animations that are awesome

    Ground servicing units (Activated by sliders)

    detailed and accurate flight model (some known bugs seem to appear for certain users)

    one paint (DHL)

    Enjoy! Michael Chang.

    Click here to download this file

  4. File Name: Boeing 767-300F PW4000 Model L

    File Submitter: Michael_Chang

    File Submitted: 08 Nov 2012

    File Category: Heavy Metal

    X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 9

    This, is a Boeing 767-300ER Freighter.

    Lots of people don't know the difference between the -F and the -BCF, so i'm here to explain. The -F has a larger rear cargo door, which is a lot wider than the -BCF's rear cargo door. That's the only difference. Also worth noting, the reason BCFs have small rear doors is because they were originally passenger jets, the BCF stands for boeing converted freighter. The -F comes in four versions, GE model L, GE model WL, PW model L and PW model WL. this is PW model L


    Michael Chang: Animation, flight model

    Hiroshi Igami: Objects, animation guidance

    Philip foglar: base textures and DHL paint

    Peter Tram: Beta tester, Normal mapping

    Jerry Ng: Sounds

    Warren Daniel (CLS): Data and information

    Distribution of this file is strictly forbidden without the written consent of all of the above (except warren Daniel), and credits MUST be given to all of the above when re-posting.


    Animations that are awesome

    Ground servicing units (Activated by sliders)

    detailed and accurate flight model (some known bugs seem to appear for certain users)

    one paint (DHL)

    Enjoy! Michael Chang.

    Click here to download this file

  5. File Name: Boeing 767-300F GE CF6-80C Model WL

    File Submitter: Michael_Chang

    File Submitted: 07 Nov 2012

    File Category: Heavy Metal

    X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 9

    This, is a Boeing 767-300ER Freighter.

    Lots of people don't know the difference between the -F and the -BCF, so i'm here to explain. The -F has a larger rear cargo door, which is a lot wider than the -BCF's rear cargo door. That's the only difference. The -F comes in four versions, GE model L, GE model WL, PW model L and PW model WL. this is GE model WL


    Michael Chang: Animation, flight model

    Hiroshi Igami: Objects, animation guidance

    Philip foglar: base textures and DHL paint

    Peter Tram: Beta tester, Normal mapping

    Jerry Ng: Sounds

    Warren Daniel (CLS): Data and information

    Distribution of this file is strictly forbidden without the written consent of all of the above (except warren Daniel), and credits MUST be given to all of the above when re-posting.


    Animations that are awesome

    Ground servicing units (Activated by sliders)

    detailed and accurate flight model (some known bugs seem to appear for certain users)

    one paint (DHL)

    Enjoy! Michael Chang.

    Click here to download this file

  6. File Name: Boeing 767-300F GE CF6-80C Model L

    File Submitter: Michael_Chang

    File Submitted: 06 Nov 2012

    File Category: Heavy Metal

    X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 9

    This, is a Boeing 767-300ER Freighter.

    Lots of people don't know the difference between the -F and the -BCF, so i'm here to explain. The -F has a larger rear cargo door, which is a lot wider than the -BCF's rear cargo door. That's the only difference. The -F comes in four versions, GE model L, GE model WL, PW model L and PW model WL. this is GE model L


    Michael Chang: Animation, flight model

    Hiroshi Igami: Objects, animation guidance

    Philip foglar: base textures and DHL paint

    Peter Tram: Beta tester, Normal mapping

    Jerry Ng: Sounds

    Warren Daniel (CLS): Data and information

    Distribution of this file is strictly forbidden without the written consent of all of the above (except warren Daniel), and credits MUST be given to all of the above when re-posting.


    Animations that are awesome

    Ground servicing units (Activated by sliders)

    detailed and accurate flight model (some known bugs)

    one paint (DHL)

    Enjoy! Michael Chang.

    Click here to download this file

  7. File Name: Boeing E767 AWACS

    File Submitter: Michael_Chang

    File Submitted: 05 Nov 2012

    File Category: Heavy Metal

    X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 9

    This is a very special plane! The Boeing 767 AWACS

    An airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) system is an airborne radar system designed to detect aircraft, ships and vehicles at long ranges and control and command the battle space in an air engagement by directing fighter and attack aircraft strikes. AEW&C units are also used to carry out surveillance, including over ground targets and frequently perform C2BM (command and control, battle management) functions similar to an Airport Traffic Controller given military command over other forces. Used at a high altitude, the radars on the aircraft allow the operators to distinguish between friendly and hostile aircraft hundreds of miles away.

    The E767 is used by the Japanese airforce, so that is the only livery included at the moment.


    • The plane may have an epileptic seizure in flight, to rectify this, turn off the artificial stability, located on the top left corner of the overhead panel
    • The plane's LIT textures do not include windows of the fuselage
    • Reading the manual is very useful, be sure to take a look at it before consulting with me.

    This plane is subject to copyright by all developers, in order to re-distribute, modify, or otherwise share this plane, you MUST ask all of the following for permission and credit them on the post:

    Hiroshi Igami: Objects

    Peter Tram: Normal map texturing

    Philip Foglar: Base textures

    Jerry Ng: Sounds

    Michael Chang: Flight model, objects, liveries

    Redistribution of this file without the consent of all of the above is strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated.

    Ground services:

    This plane has a set of stairs that appear when the main PAX door is opened, activation is covered in the manual.

    Other credits:

    Hiroshi Igami: animation guidance

    Warren Daniel (CEO of CLS): Flight model data

    Enjoy your flights, Michael Chang.

    Click here to download this file

  8. File Name: Boeing 767-300BCF PW 4000

    File Submitter: Michael_Chang

    File Submitted: 05 Nov 2012

    File Category: Heavy Metal

    X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 9

    Now that all the 200 and 300 passenger variants are through, here's something new!

    This is the Boeing 767-300BCF with PW 4000 engines

    Just a note, the BCF is one of two cargo variants of the 767-300. The other is the 767-300F. The BCF is different in the fact that it has a regular sized rear cargo door. The 767-300F has a larger rear cargo door, which i will show you when it is released.

    A few things to note about this plane:

    It is VERY heavy, it has a significantly higher Payload capacity, and therefore has a tendancy to seem very overweight.


    • The plane may have an epileptic seizure in flight, to rectify this, turn off the artificial stability, located on the top left corner of the overhead panel
    • The plane's LIT textures do not include windows of the fuselage
    • Reading the manual is very useful, be sure to take a look at it before consulting with me.

    This plane is subject to copyright by all developers, in order to re-distribute, modify, or otherwise share this plane, you MUST ask all of the following for permission and credit them on the post:

    Hiroshi Igami: Objects

    Peter Tram: Normal map texturing

    Philip Foglar: Base textures

    Jerry Ng: Sounds

    Michael Chang: Flight model, objects, liveries

    Redistribution of this file without the consent of all of the above is strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated.

    This Boeing 767-300BCF has a DHL paint done by Philip Foglar

    Other credits:

    Hiroshi Igami: animation guidance

    Warren Daniel (CEO of CLS): Flight model data

    Enjoy your flights, Michael Chang.

    Click here to download this file

  9. Hi Michael, I downloaded this today and it certainly looks great and handles nicely too. Many thanks!

    The problem I found was that the horizontal stabilizer needs trimming very much up to achieve level, hands-off flight. Looking at the C of G adjustments in X-P's Weight and Balance menu I wonder if they are correct? There's no forward adjustment without hitting the 'red warning' and very little aft movement. Or is the centre of lift too far back?

    if you're on Version 10, it's a bug that only about 2% of the populous is experiencing ,i think it only applies to a few people. Again, we're trying to fix it

  10. File Name: Boeing 767-300BCF GE CF6-80C

    File Submitter: Michael_Chang

    File Submitted: 04 Nov 2012

    File Category: Heavy Metal

    X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 9

    Now that all the 200 and 300 passenger variants are through, here's something new!

    This is the Boeing 767-300BCF.

    Just a note, the BCF is one of two cargo variants of the 767-300. The other is the 767-300F. The BCF is different in the fact that it has a regular sized rear cargo door. The 767-300F has a larger rear cargo door, which i will show you when it is released.

    A few things to note about this plane:

    It is VERY heavy, it has a significantly higher Payload capacity, and therefore has a tendancy to seem very overweight.


    • The plane may have an epileptic seizure in flight, to rectify this, turn off the artificial stability, located on the top left corner of the overhead panel
    • The plane's LIT textures do not include windows of the fuselage
    • Reading the manual is very useful, be sure to take a look at it before consulting with me.

    This plane is subject to copyright by all developers, in order to re-distribute, modify, or otherwise share this plane, you MUST ask all of the following for permission and credit them on the post:

    Hiroshi Igami: Objects

    Peter Tram: Normal map texturing

    Philip Foglar: Base textures

    Jerry Ng: Sounds

    Michael Chang: Flight model, objects, liveries

    Redistribution of this file without the consent of all of the above is strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated.

    This Boeing 767-300BCF has a DHL paint done by Philip Foglar

    Other credits:

    Hiroshi Igami: animation guidance

    Warren Daniel (CEO of CLS): Flight model data

    Enjoy your flights, Michael Chang.

    Click here to download this file

  11. File Name: Boeing 767-300ER RR RB211-524H Model BWL

    File Submitter: Michael_Chang

    File Submitted: 04 Nov 2012

    File Category: Heavy Metal

    X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 9

    This plane is the Boeing 767-300ER with Rolls Royce RB211-524H engines, winglets and two PAX doors.


    • The plane may have an epileptic seizure in flight, to rectify this, turn off the artificial stability, located on the top left corner of the overhead panel
    • The plane's LIT textures do not include windows of the fuselage
    • Reading the manual is very useful, be sure to take a look at it before consulting with me.

    This plane is subject to copyright by all developers, in order to re-distribute, modify, or otherwise share this plane, you MUST ask all of the following for permission and credit them on the post:

    Hiroshi Igami: Objects

    Peter Tram: Normal map texturing

    Philip Foglar: Base textures

    Jerry Ng: Sounds

    Michael Chang: Flight model, objects, liveries

    Redistribution of this file without the consent of all of the above is strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated.

    Ground services:

    This plane has a set of stairs that appear when the main PAX door is opened, activation is covered in the manual.

    This Boeing 767-300ER is equipped with no paints :(

    Other credits:

    Hiroshi Igami: animation guidance

    Warren Daniel (CEO of CLS): Flight model data

    Enjoy your flights, Michael Chang.

    Click here to download this file

  12. File Name: Boeing 767-300ER RR RB211-524H Model BL

    File Submitter: Michael_Chang

    File Submitted: 04 Nov 2012

    File Category: Heavy Metal

    X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 9

    This plane is the Boeing 767-300ER with Rolls Royce RB211-524H engines and two PAX doors.


    • The plane may have an epileptic seizure in flight, to rectify this, turn off the artificial stability, located on the top left corner of the overhead panel
    • The plane's LIT textures do not include windows of the fuselage
    • Reading the manual is very useful, be sure to take a look at it before consulting with me.

    This plane is subject to copyright by all developers, in order to re-distribute, modify, or otherwise share this plane, you MUST ask all of the following for permission and credit them on the post:

    Hiroshi Igami: Objects

    Peter Tram: Normal map texturing

    Philip Foglar: Base textures

    Jerry Ng: Sounds

    Michael Chang: Flight model, objects, liveries

    Redistribution of this file without the consent of all of the above is strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated.

    Ground services:

    This plane has a set of stairs that appear when the main PAX door is opened, activation is covered in the manual.

    This Boeing 767-300ER is equipped with no paints :(

    Other credits:

    Hiroshi Igami: animation guidance

    Warren Daniel (CEO of CLS): Flight model data

    Enjoy your flights, Michael Chang.

    Click here to download this file

  13. File Name: Boeing 767-300ER PW 4000 Model BWL

    File Submitter: Michael_Chang

    File Submitted: 04 Nov 2012

    File Category: Heavy Metal

    X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 9

    This plane is the Boeing 767-300ER with PW4000 engines, winglets and two PAX doors.


    • The plane may have an epileptic seizure in flight, to rectify this, turn off the artificial stability, located on the top left corner of the overhead panel
    • The plane's LIT textures do not include windows of the fuselage
    • Reading the manual is very useful, be sure to take a look at it before consulting with me.

    This plane is subject to copyright by all developers, in order to re-distribute, modify, or otherwise share this plane, you MUST ask all of the following for permission and credit them on the post:

    Hiroshi Igami: Objects

    Peter Tram: Normal map texturing

    Philip Foglar: Base textures

    Jerry Ng: Sounds

    Michael Chang: Flight model, objects, liveries

    Redistribution of this file without the consent of all of the above is strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated.

    Ground services:

    This plane has a set of stairs that appear when the main PAX door is opened, activation is covered in the manual.

    This Boeing 767-300ER is equipped with one paint, Austrian Airlines by Myself :D

    Other credits:

    Hiroshi Igami: animation guidance

    Warren Daniel (CEO of CLS): Flight model data

    Enjoy your flights, Michael Chang.

    Click here to download this file

  14. File Name: Boeing 767-300ER PW 4000 Model BL

    File Submitter: Michael_Chang

    File Submitted: 04 Nov 2012

    File Category: Heavy Metal

    X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 9

    This plane is the Boeing 767-300ER with PW4000 engines, and two PAX doors.


    • The plane may have an epileptic seizure in flight, to rectify this, turn off the artificial stability, located on the top left corner of the overhead panel
    • The plane's LIT textures do not include windows of the fuselage
    • Reading the manual is very useful, be sure to take a look at it before consulting with me.

    This plane is subject to copyright by all developers, in order to re-distribute, modify, or otherwise share this plane, you MUST ask all of the following for permission and credit them on the post:

    Hiroshi Igami: Objects

    Peter Tram: Normal map texturing

    Philip Foglar: Base textures

    Jerry Ng: Sounds

    Michael Chang: Flight model, objects, liveries

    Redistribution of this file without the consent of all of the above is strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated.

    This Boeing 767-300ER is equipped with one paint, El Al Israel by Philip foglar

    Other credits:

    Hiroshi Igami: animation guidance

    Warren Daniel (CEO of CLS): Flight model data

    Enjoy your flights, Michael Chang.

    Click here to download this file

  15. File Name: Patch Files for all 767s

    File Submitter: Michael_Chang

    File Submitted: 04 Nov 2012

    File Category: Heavy Metal

    X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 9

    THIS ONE'S FOR ALL MY HARDWARE FLIERS. This package contains a set of patch files for all planes released prior to the discovery of the fix. this should stop the plane from jumping to full throttle when at idle.


    Each folder is named after the real plane package, and each folder contains an aircraft file .acf. All you must do is copy/replace the file in the appropriate folder. DO NOT MIX/SWITCH FILES, AS EACH PLANE CONTAINS SUBTLE DIFFERENCES.

    Also included in two aircrafts are replacement object folders, fixing slight object issues, just copy and paste the contents in these folders in to the objects folder

    If you use hardware throttles, please comment below and let me know if this fixes the error.

    Click here to download this file

  16. File Name: Boeing 767-300ER GE CF6-80C Model BWL

    File Submitter: Michael_Chang

    File Submitted: 03 Nov 2012

    File Category: Heavy Metal

    X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 9

    This is the Last Boeing 767-300ER with GECF6-80C engines

    BOEING 767-300ERS ARE HERE! this one has 2 PAX doors and winglets, GE CF6-80C engines


    • The plane may have an epileptic seizure in flight, to rectify this, turn off the artificial stability, located on the top left corner of the overhead panel
    • The plane's LIT textures do not include windows of the fuselage
    • The plane has a known throttle hardware issue, we are still trying to figure out what causes it
    • Reading the manual is very useful, be sure to take a look at it before consulting with me.

    This plane is subject to copyright by all developers, in order to re-distribute, modify, or otherwise share this plane, you MUST ask all of the following for permission and credit them on the post:

    Hiroshi Igami: Objects

    Peter Tram: Normal map texturing

    Philip Foglar: Base textures

    Jerry Ng: Sounds

    Michael Chang: Flight model, objects, liveries

    Redistribution of this file without the consent of all of the above is strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated.

    Ground services:

    This plane has a set of stairs that appear when the main PAX door is opened, activation is covered in the manual.

    This Boeing 767-300ER is equipped with no liveries

    Other credits:

    Hiroshi Igami: animation guidance

    Warren Daniel (CEO of CLS): Flight model data

    Enjoy your flights, Michael Chang.

    Click here to download this file

  17. File Name: Boeing 767-300ER PW 4000 Model AWL

    File Submitter: Michael_Chang

    File Submitted: 04 Nov 2012

    File Category: Heavy Metal

    X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 9



    To fix, go into the "engine specs" option on your menu, and follow the instructions provided in the screenshots. To those who make the fix, please let me know if this fix works.

    This plane is the Boeing 767-300ER with PW4000 engines, winglets and one PAX door.


    • The plane may have an epileptic seizure in flight, to rectify this, turn off the artificial stability, located on the top left corner of the overhead panel
    • The plane's LIT textures do not include windows of the fuselage
    • The plane has a known throttle hardware issue, we are still trying to figure out what causes it
    • Reading the manual is very useful, be sure to take a look at it before consulting with me.

    This plane is subject to copyright by all developers, in order to re-distribute, modify, or otherwise share this plane, you MUST ask all of the following for permission and credit them on the post:

    Hiroshi Igami: Objects

    Peter Tram: Normal map texturing

    Philip Foglar: Base textures

    Jerry Ng: Sounds

    Michael Chang: Flight model, objects, liveries

    Redistribution of this file without the consent of all of the above is strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated.

    Ground services:

    This plane has a set of stairs that appear when the main PAX door is opened, activation is covered in the manual.

    This Boeing 767-300ER is equipped with many paints:

    BHI By Michael Chang

    United Airlines collection by Jzeitlin

    Delta Breast Cancer by Philip Foglar

    Other credits:

    Hiroshi Igami: animation guidance

    Warren Daniel (CEO of CLS): Flight model data

    Enjoy your flights, Michael Chang.

    Click here to download this file

  18. File Name: Boeing 767-300ER PW 4000 Model AL

    File Submitter: Michael_Chang

    File Submitted: 03 Nov 2012

    File Category: Heavy Metal

    X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 9

    Alright, now onto the important stuff

    BOEING 767-300ERS ARE HERE! this one has 1 PAX door, PW 4000 engines and no winglets


    • The plane may have an epileptic seizure in flight, to rectify this, turn off the artificial stability, located on the top left corner of the overhead panel
    • The plane's LIT textures do not include windows of the fuselage
    • The plane has a known throttle hardware issue, we are still trying to figure out what causes it
    • Reading the manual is very useful, be sure to take a look at it before consulting with me.

    This plane is subject to copyright by all developers, in order to re-distribute, modify, or otherwise share this plane, you MUST ask all of the following for permission and credit them on the post:

    Hiroshi Igami: Objects

    Peter Tram: Normal map texturing

    Philip Foglar: Base textures

    Jerry Ng: Sounds

    Michael Chang: Flight model, objects, liveries

    Redistribution of this file without the consent of all of the above is strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated.

    Ground services:

    This plane has a set of stairs that appear when the main PAX door is opened, activation is covered in the manual.

    This Boeing 767-300ER is equipped with 2 liveries, Air China and Shanghai Airlines

    Other credits:

    Hiroshi Igami: animation guidance

    Warren Daniel (CEO of CLS): Flight model data

    Enjoy your flights, Michael Chang.

    Click here to download this file

  19. File Name: Boeing 767-300ER GE CF6-80C Model BL

    File Submitter: Michael_Chang

    File Submitted: 03 Nov 2012

    File Category: Heavy Metal

    X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 9

    Alright, now onto the important stuff

    BOEING 767-300ERS ARE HERE! this one has 2 PAX doors and no winglets


    • The plane may have an epileptic seizure in flight, to rectify this, turn off the artificial stability, located on the top left corner of the overhead panel
    • The plane's LIT textures do not include windows of the fuselage
    • The plane has a known throttle hardware issue, we are still trying to figure out what causes it
    • Reading the manual is very useful, be sure to take a look at it before consulting with me.

    This plane is subject to copyright by all developers, in order to re-distribute, modify, or otherwise share this plane, you MUST ask all of the following for permission and credit them on the post:

    Hiroshi Igami: Objects

    Peter Tram: Normal map texturing

    Philip Foglar: Base textures

    Jerry Ng: Sounds

    Michael Chang: Flight model, objects, liveries

    Redistribution of this file without the consent of all of the above is strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated.

    Ground services:

    This plane has a set of stairs that appear when the main PAX door is opened, activation is covered in the manual.

    This Boeing 767-300ER is equipped with one livery, KLM

    Other credits:

    Hiroshi Igami: animation guidance

    Warren Daniel (CEO of CLS): Flight model data

    Enjoy your flights, Michael Chang.

    Click here to download this file

  20. File Name: Boeing 767-300ER GE CF6-80C Model AWL

    File Submitter: Michael_Chang

    File Submitted: 03 Nov 2012

    File Category: Heavy Metal

    X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 9

    Alright, now onto the important stuff

    BOEING 767-300ERS ARE HERE! This one has one PAX door and Winglets :D


    • The plane may have an epileptic seizure in flight, to rectify this, turn off the artificial stability, located on the top left corner of the overhead panel
    • The plane's LIT textures do not include windows of the fuselage
    • The plane has a known throttle hardware issue, we are still trying to figure out what causes it
    • Reading the manual is very useful, be sure to take a look at it before consulting with me.

    This plane is subject to copyright by all developers, in order to re-distribute, modify, or otherwise share this plane, you MUST ask all of the following for permission and credit them on the post:

    Hiroshi Igami: Objects

    Peter Tram: Normal map texturing

    Philip Foglar: Base textures and liveries

    Jzeitlin: liveries

    Matthew Huerta: Liveries

    Jerry Ng: Sounds

    Michael Chang: Flight model, objects, liveries

    Redistribution of this file without the consent of all of the above is strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated.

    Ground services:

    This plane has a set of stairs that appear when the main PAX door is opened, activation is covered in the manual.

    This Boeing 767-300ER is equipped with over ten liveries! Credits to the paints are as follows:

    Philip Foglar:

    LAN Chile, American Airlines


    American Airlines One World, Delta Habitat for Humanity, Delta Skyteam

    Matthew Huerta:

    Delta Airlines

    Other liveries include:


    Other credits:

    Hiroshi Igami: animation guidance

    Warren Daniel (CEO of CLS): Flight model data

    Enjoy your flights, Michael Chang.

    Click here to download this file

  21. File Name: Boeing 767-300ER GE CF6-80C Model AL

    File Submitter: Michael_Chang

    File Submitted: 03 Nov 2012

    File Category: Heavy Metal

    X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 9

    Alright, now onto the important stuff



    • The plane may have an epileptic seizure in flight, to rectify this, turn off the artificial stability, located on the top left corner of the overhead panel
    • The plane's LIT textures do not include windows of the fuselage
    • The plane has a known throttle hardware issue, we are still trying to figure out what causes it
    • Reading the manual is very useful, be sure to take a look at it before consulting with me.

    This plane is subject to copyright by all developers, in order to re-distribute, modify, or otherwise share this plane, you MUST ask all of the following for permission and credit them on the post:

    Hiroshi Igami: Objects

    Peter Tram: Normal map texturing

    Philip Foglar: Base textures and liveries

    Jzeitlin: liveries

    Matthew Huerta: Liveries

    Jerry Ng: Sounds

    Michael Chang: Flight model, objects, liveries

    Redistribution of this file without the consent of all of the above is strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated.

    Ground services:

    This plane has a set of stairs that appear when the main PAX door is opened, activation is covered in the manual.

    This Boeing 767-300ER is equipped with over ten liveries! Credits to the paints are as follows:

    Philip Foglar:

    LAN Chile, American Airlines


    American Airlines One World, Delta Habitat for Humanity, Delta Skyteam

    Matthew Huerta:

    Delta Airlines

    Other liveries include:

    ANA, Air Canada "free spirit" both black and frosted.

    Other credits:

    Hiroshi Igami: animation guidance

    Warren Daniel (CEO of CLS): Flight model data

    Enjoy your flights, Michael Chang.

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