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Posts posted by Michael_Chang

  1. post-8539-0-50133900-1356153471_thumb.pn

    I've gotten the 727 :D


    So right off the bat, when I saw the promotional videos I knew this was going to be good. Thankfully, I was right!



    a huge package, 700 megs! (wow) when it was done, installation was simple and easy, which I like, into my XP 10 folder and ready to go!


    First loading:

    Normally, I like to load planes into PM before I load them in XP, to check things like Wireframes and basic appearance/animations. I opened it up and fell in love. The polygon count is a little on the high side, but over all she's very efficiently modelled and beautifully textured, the resolution of which is amazing, possibly even the highest in X-plane!





    In XP:

    So now that I was confident that my poor macbook could handle the pressures of loading the plane, I set up my XP 10 and got ready for the action. First thing I noticed, was that it was quite laggy. I went into exterior view and the plane gave me a perfect arpeggio in F as it lagged to a start. after about 15 seconds of that, the frame rates suddenly shot to 30-40 frames per second, which was a nice surprise. Exterior quality of the plane is superb, and the animations are smooth as butter.


    I decided it was time to check the cockpit. My memory of this time is slightly foggy, because I'm quite sure I passed out from the awesomeness. After wiping the drool from my laptop, I had a look around. I was a bit dissappointed that there wasn't a cabin, but the detail of the cockpit long makes up for it.


    After using their custom made loading panel to load my plane, I started flying! She's definitely harder to fly than my 787s or 767s, partially because of quality, and partially because of age. I will have to comb through the manuals to fully understand this bad girl. Again, many of her animations are amazing, I particularly like their wingflex.


    The sounds are very FSXish in a good way, they are very well crafted and sound amazing.


    The cherry on top for me was the nose gear. THEY ACTUALLY GOT THE TURNING MOTION CORRECT! A lot of modellers seem to miss this detail, and I'm actually happy they caught it.



    post-8539-0-48028100-1356153455_thumb.pn Service with a smile? well i'm definitely smiling.



    Being me, I always try to find criticisms too, but in this case, it was quite hard.


    I did find, however, that the slats had a tendency to slice straight through the wing on their deployment sequence, and that the reverse thrusters of engines 1 and 3 sliced through each other on deployment. The errors are very small and far between.


    post-8539-0-19402500-1356153190_thumb.pn <you can see, the flap is sort of in the way of the speed brake

    post-8539-0-49473600-1356153376_thumb.pn <here the slatis stuck in a strange way

    post-8539-0-59667400-1356153397_thumb.pn <another slat shot

    post-8539-0-36697600-1356153414_thumb.pn <reversers are stuck

    Aside from that, I very literally couldn't find anything wrong with the plane! Exterior = superb, Panel = superb, Sounds = superb. I am at a loss of words.




    Well done FlyJsim. I look forward to more from you.



    • Upvote 2
  2. See, the reason people believe that the world will end is because of how they misread the long-count calender. The calender consists of several digits, the largest being a b'ak'tun. at the start of the mayan long count, it read 13. 00. 00. (i think) and as the time went by, it slowly rotated, to 13. 00. 01, 13. 00. 02, much like the speed selection knob on the 727. in any case, this system mean that eventually, the counter would read 13. 00. 00 again, which is today :D that is why the mayans celebrated or made big news of this day, because it would be the day the long count calender reached the 13th b'ak'tun. so let's all celebrate the resetting of the Mayan long count calender :D

    • Upvote 1
  3. Are you going to make a menu like the 777-200LR has were you can call the ground service and go to certain view like the overhead pannel?


    I also found the worst payware aircraft ever(it might not be the worst to you but it in another flight sim FSX)


    Unfortunately, i don't know how to do that, so no.

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