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Posts posted by Michael_Chang

  1. No I was banned from here mostly because of my virtual airline...if I stay within the rules and don't promote my virtual airline I don't see why Cameron would ban me...


    at this point I can see many reasons for him to ban you, however I don't want you to be banned. please, be careful, and humble, and tingz... yeah... idk...

  2. There are two ways to do it.   One is to use blender (or any 3D program that supports baking)  to bake a reflection map.  You need a little experience with "environment mapping" to get the best results and there are also some camera angle considerations as reflection calculations are camera location dependent. 


    The second way...the one we use is  more customized for our needs.  We use a combination of normal maps and our own specialized environment maps and we have written our own program (Nils did actually) to merge the two into a customized reflection map that gives superior results than blender's basic baking. 


    For basic exterior reflections though, blender is more than adequate.






    Thank you! I shall be sure to try this trick out when I get a new laptop

  3. attachicon.gifWindow render.pngStill working on the Windscreen just put this together this morning got to do some editing and smoothening so it is just right! But starting to come together.


    Don't be afraid to use more polygons, the more you use, the smoother it'll look! so far, looks great! 


    also, mind the window frames, they're a little warped, if memory serves, the Citation Ten has a very smooth windshield (although it's been a while since i've flown in one)

  4. Man really thanks for your help, and sorry about your laptop. I hope to buy a new one very soon. Have a good night.


    good luck on your 3d cockpit escapades :D 

    yes, i will be acquiring a new laptop this summer, and production on my own 787-8 and 787-9 will resume

  5. Alright... let's see...


    Okay, in plane maker, there's the option for adding a gear lever to the panel. that gear lever has two or three images (name of the file)_1,_2 etc. one that is the BASE IMAGE, and others that show the gear handle in various positions of transition. Anyways, what needs to be done, is that all the gear handle image files need to be painted transparent in photoshop, and THEN added to the 3d panel, which should be a transparent 2048X2048 file IN PLANEMAKER. you NEED to mark down the dimensions of the BASE gear handle image, and mark a square of those dimensions onto the panel.png, as a temporary guide for adding buttons. save that panel.png.

    now, in blender, add that rectangle prism over the gear handle, make sure it covers most of it. now map the rectangle directly over the panel.png in the location that you placed the gear handle button in plane maker (this area is the same area you marked earlier with a "square of those dimensions") now, erase that square, so that the area in panel.png is once again transparent. now, save panel.png, and export the new rectangle. if all goes as planned, the rectangle (which should be saved as the cockpit.obj) will now function as a button, and if the gear handle is animated correctly, clicking the invisible square will allow the handle to move.


    That's the basics, now on to the harder stuff.


    The image file for the landing gear should be located inside the aircraft file, if not, go to xplane10/9>resources>bitmaps>cockpit and copy the cockpit folder into your aircraft folder. In your aircraft folder, inside (aircraft)>cockpit>buttons, that is where you'll find the file now. The BASE IMAGE can be distorted to any size you want, as long as the dimensions are also distorted proportionally for the other images. that way, space can be saved.


    I'M REALLY SORRY IF THIS DOESN'T HELP, BUT BEING WITHOUT A LAPTOP WITH BLENDER MAKES IT REALLY HARD :( AGAIN, TRY USING THE CRJ, IT HAS A PRETTY GOOD EXAMPLE (FROM WHAT I REMEMBER). XPP's a330/340 also has a good example. There are invisible boxes over each of the doors, so that in 3d cockpit mode, clicking the doors will cause it to open.



    Good luck Vez, i'm heading to bed now!

  6. I can't upload images right now, but i'll try to give you a run-down


    Step 1: create a polygon (3d squares or rectangles) that covers the button you want.


    Step 2: animate your button/lever/handle, but DO NOT check the manipulator option.


    Step 3: add a button in your 3d cockpit, but make it an invisible one, so edit the button texture to make it invisible at all times


    Step 3a: mark the location of that button on the panel, then, map the rectangle so that it is fully within that button.


    The rectangle should now function as a button, but it will be invisible! therefore, when you click it, it will look like you're clicking the handle/button/switch, but in reality, you're only clicking the invisible square while the handle/button/switch rotates. This feature doesn't allow drag options, however it is my prefered way of animating the cockpit (the drag manipulators are so damn annoying) i'll try to upload a photo of it when I get a new laptop (mine was stolen) but for now, a good example would be Jrollon's CRJ-200, there's an object set called "Manipuladores" (I think) and all that set is is a bunch of squares, set over the buttons that he wished to animate. Go check it out!

  7. while away from the plane, i've been working out lighting systems, i already know how i'm going to bake on lights, but i'm still trying to work out exactly how the flood lights of the plane will look. normally, there are only lights emitting from the autopilot panel and text, but i'm uncertain about the affects of flood lights from the ceiling and their effect on the lighting. If anyone can supply me with information about the lights on the 787, it would be much appreciated, particularly, the location in the cockpit and their angle

  8. And the XPP team is still not done converting them... <_<  Bunch of slow pocks...


    They're done... I don't blame them, taking on a set of planes like the a330/340 family is tough, especially when you planned to do VC work. I've seen the VCs that come with them, they're tough stuff. The XPP team did good, considering it was their first project.

  9. The problem is that you Boeing B777-300ER is just SO good!


    no. it's not


    the krueger isn't there

    the wingflex is too sensetive

    the gears are missing all their support struts

    the cockpit isn't textured



    there are a LOT of issues with it.

  10. So if I follow your statement we should not post pics of your Boeing B777-300ER either xD


    yes... actually that's exactly a concept i've been trying to convey... i already talked to xenonkatze, but it would be preferable if people didn't...

  11. I used blender 2.4 the name of the lever need to be for examp. Planename_cockpit? And where i putting this file? What folder. And something last, to work properly needs to be textured? Thanks.


    planename_cockpit.obj is placed in the aircraft folder, NOT in the objects folder, also, manipulators are hard to program, it's easier to use invisible buttons to program the 3d cockpit, good luck! and feel free to contact me if you need help!

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