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Posts posted by Michael_Chang

  1. Hey everyone, as you know, I have a 787 project that is about 60% done right now. However, while planning for the future of the project, I arrived at a snag in terms of design. 


    The 787 has many lights in various positions (one on either side of the OH, the glare shield, floods, etc...) and many of them overlap in a few places. My question is, what is the best way to render out these multiple light levels without having to create more objects?





  2. Didn't know that i just judged by the fact they rendered just fine but thanks for telling me that


    I believe that those weird shading lines are an issue with the UV projection/normal projection, so adding edgesplit modifiers will help determine whether or not it should be smooth or sharp, not wavy like it is now

  3. Yeah i knew that, my window frame is separate from the nose and so is the start of my cockpit. But sounds good! If you have other advice or ideas just pitch them my way, it can help a lot! Also see in the pic it is just like what i was talking about you have it still a bit funny looking if that okay?? Because textures should fix that right?


    no, they won't, that is a problem with normals, you need to highlight that mesh, and add the "edgesplit" modifier to the mesh. do this to all the meshes, and make sure you also "set smooth" all the meshes, so that the lines don't appear blocked.


    yes they do fix that problem

    • Upvote 1
  4. The boy's a nut! he's got 7 accounts that i counted thus far

    Erik Winter




    Mr. Smith

    Mr. Anderson

    Favourite Person on Earth


    he's absolutely cray-cray. 




    I think that's six accounts now....... told you he wouldn't reach double figures with his posts. :lol:

    • Upvote 2
  5. I heard a rumor that this project has been discontinued. Please, please tell me that this isn't true! You've come too far to stop now, and there really is no other 787 besides that low-quality payware one!



    our intentions were never to fully cancel projects. the post that involved the cancellation of any projects was a well-orchestrated april fools joke :)

  6. Ah yes I will fix the hump there! Also is there any easy way to make all those rings into 64?


    I was merely suggesting that for other parts later on, the current fuselage polygon count is pretty good, it's just a reference for later, like perhaps on the engines. At this point, it's a little too late to make them into 64

  7. Here you go, is it too many or too less, not very good yet, a bit crude.


    Looks good! don't be afraid to use more vertices, it really makes the plane smoother and makes the windows nicer. My preffered circle has 64 vertices on it. Also, just below the cockpit windows, see how there's a little hump in the shape of the lines of the wireframe? you should smooth that out in all dimensions for best UV reflection

  8. I would give it a 2.5/5 in terms of payware products, it's extremely low-polygon, but that's about it. There are massive innaccuracies in the plane, the kruegers are under-detailed and the plane is extremely primitive, which, given the creation time, is understandable. Flight model wise, it is acceptable, however I disagree with you in that it is worth the purchase. Purchasing this aircraft is no different than purchasing a toaster with the flight dynamics of a 747.


    The plane lacks proper texturing, and many parts are poorly animated and in need of a MAJOR facelift. The fuselage especially, needs work. the textures are very low-def and the plane needs new baking.  Also worth noting is the presence of hard ridges and ugly lines, which need ot be updated. Knowing that he is still around, it would be advisable that he re-do the planes and re-sell them making them worth the price.


    it is NOT worth the get for a 747 lover IMO

  9. Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know, we have a little network of facebook groups called XP-aviators, X-plane Developers and XPA lounge, feel free to join in, We've got some devs who regularly post progress info there, including Felis and Elanport!


    https://www.facebook.com/groups/FlightTraining/ X-plane Aviators


    https://www.facebook.com/groups/XPALounge/ X-plane Aviators Lounge


    https://www.facebook.com/groups/XPDevelopers/ XPS developers

    • Upvote 1
  10. you guys do realize that if you click on the photo it'll take you to erik's website...

    also, yes, it's oblivion.


    Innacurate wingflex

    poorly animated gears

    well converted objects

    improper slat movements

    no krueger

    and most importantly, the GEAR TEXTURES. they are exactly as they look in Project oblivion's jet. Skyspirit's 777 has used a different texture for as long as it has existed. PO made a new one.

    • Upvote 2
  11. a ) Its KSAN/SAN

    b ) No its the XPJ 777.



    Here is a picture of my flight, Try and guess which airport I landed at and which plane I flew (I mean who made it).



    that is most definitely not the XP jets 777. this plane has transparent cockpit windows, self-moving slats, high gear detail and most importantly, poorly done object animations. This is the Project Oblivion 777, an illegal conversion of the SKYSPIRIT 2012 777 paired with the XP-jets flight model. I'd refrain from uploading photos by that group.

    • Upvote 1
  12. Thank you very much, Michael. Dragging to the right or left it works!

    Flying yesterday, I noticed that the LNAV and VNAV didn't work (the buttons even doesn't lights up). The flight plan was loaded and appeared in the screen and the auto pilot was ON. Is there anything that I have to do in order to make it works?


    perhaps your HSI setting was incorrect, or your FD wasn't engaged

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