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Posts posted by Michael_Chang

  1. seriously dude, what's with all the criticism lately:  1st it was the E170 SSG and now the 757.  LOL it's a $60-80 addon for a home civilian simulator/game...........It's not $60 million.  Stay in school, study and try to create the same or better because I downloaded your freeware a while ago and it quickly got deleted off my hard drive faster than you can say "xplane". 


    Harry, you try to create one the same or better, you're arguing against me using remarks that are completely irrelevant. Just because I can't do better doesn't mean I can't middle man for Mr. Igami's criticisms, which are all constructive, provide fix options and are well informed and accurate. I've discussed multiple times with him about coming here to offer up his own insights, however given the attitude towards criticism in this forum, he'd probably get a LOT of hate. One doesn't need building talent to find know how to compare the model to the real aircraft.


    On a slightly different note, I am glad that we see eye-to-eye on my 767 (which I assume is the one you are talking about)

    • Upvote 2
  2. hey guys! Hiroshi just got back to me regarding the 757, in his own words "seems okay" which is quite amazing, coming from him XD


    in any case, he did find a few issues.




    According to Hiroshi, ramzzess designed those two flaps to be flush against the wing, when the second flap should actually not be touching it.




    He also noted, the starboard forward door is too large, they aren't in fact symmetrical, the one on the right is smaller than the one on the left


    He also commented on the height of the landing gears, which ramzzess has already acknowledged.


    That is all.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Where is this? Which plane is this? So many questions so little answers...



    can you please GTFO? how many ways can we tell you that we DON'T WANT YOU HERE? You've repeatedly created spam accounts whose original purpose has been forgotten in your vain attempts to tease the members of this forum. You also lack the subtlety to convince the population here that you are in fact a new comer. Here's a tip, if you're gonna come back here again, which we all BEG you not to, come back under an alias who shuts up, sits down, and tries to assimilate instead of standing out like a sore thumb, and NOT in the good way. I thought you were an okay kid, and even would've argued in your defense when your name was still a320, but all of these accounts are just ridiculous. LEAVE. 


    and yes, to those who insist on criticizing, i'm aware of the irony in this post.

    • Upvote 3
  4. All I was trying to say there was that you only need 64 polygons to make a smooth cylinder and it looked like you were using 128 also if you load up everything on the B-29 right now it adds up to be around 1,250,100 polygons including old un-polygon optimized areas and things i need to delete as well as the fact that some things have subdivision surfaces that are not applied yet so i can easily control that number to make it lower or higher

    Also if memory serves me right It would be pretty impressive if you managed to make the entire interior of a md-80 with 450,000 poly's

    I would also like to point out that there may be a typo in that post i had to assume that the "not I" was supposed to be "now I" or "I do not" as otherwise the sentence made no sense


    I like to use 72 polygons (on the fokker which i worked on, i used 72, as well as on the tupolev 214) because it sets an easy number of degrees per vertex

    • Upvote 1
  5. I had the same problem

    try these steps:


    1. turn off texture compression

    2. increase texture resolution


    "I've had a look at the png containing the glareshied (_PanelTrans) and it's equally fuzzy,"

  6. Just a little thing that I noticed - the red line on the front gear bay door should be a lot closer to the actual gear.  :)



    Assuming the plane is at Zero weight, then most of these shots are correct, however, yes, the plane does sit a little lower, but the distance is neglible

  7. this one's a significant step up from the 777-200LR, though peter's right, the gear compression is way too high, the legs are the right length, but the gears should be compressed more, even at zero weight. Tire size for the main gears is correct, but the nose gear should be a bit larger and closer together. Also, there's cargo doors on the left side, there shouldn't be, and that's about it really, this one really looks nice!


    for reference, this is a 757 at almost zero extra weight



    • Upvote 4
  8. Aren't Michaels freeware planes only 2D and very low quality, why is he bashing SSG's masterpiece.  The 170 and 190 are amazing compared to all the 2D crap for download on the internet.


    don't ask a question. figure out for yourself :) the planes are ready to try, and i'll be the first to admit the panels on my 767's suck.

    • Upvote 1
  9. Howard, Don't go around bashing others if you can't even maintain your own image. Seriously, when I tell you to stop using and distributing my 777, you accuse me of stalking, threaten to "arrest" me, and then block me on facebook. Then, you return, add me as a friend and start kissing my ass like it's no one's business. Stop flip-flopping. if you're going to have any thoughts or feelings towards me, pick one and stay it. Another thing, thus far, all you've proven to me is that you know how to talk. Stop throwing empty threats at people and bragging about your skills.


    That is all.


    In other news, Matthew Huerta has re-done the United 787 livery (as seen on our facebook page) here it is!


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