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Posts posted by Michael_Chang

  1. The problem isn't getting in. It's getting out. Honestly, with the current leadership, I'm not sure i'd want to go. It just isn't a very desirable place to visit. 


    I was going to go last summer, however my parents chickened out and we just stayed in china. Although the country isn't exactly desirable, i'd like to see it just to experience it first hand.

  2. Will North Korea ever open itself to the world?
    The answer seems to be yes as the government has recently approved the redesign of the Wonsan military base into an international airport supposed to host foreign Airlines for the first time ever in North Korea.
    In July 2013,Supreme leader Kim Jong-Un approved plans for a complete redesign of the airport, turning it into an international airport for civilian use. The new airport was designed by the Chinese architectural firm PLT Planning & Architecture. The redesign will include two 36,000-square-foot Oval-shaped terminals, one serving domestic flights and one serving international flights, that will each contain six gates and several Duty Free stores. The runways will also be extended to 3500 metres. The airport is expected to serve 1.2 million visitors annually. It is expected to cost US$200 million.


    What do you guys think of this? 

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  3. CSeries.jpg


    I think that this image may be a lot more useful than appears, it shows the locations of all the rivets/support structures of the fuselage and also shows a cross section of the flap drive arm, which will help create a good understanding of how the flaps actually move.



    This is the best Cseries side shot I could find



    Good luck :)

  4. two things. first if anyone lives near or works at YMX and can get me a some of good shot of the CS100 prototype i'd be really grateful. Second, how does one import a plane-maker model into blender?


    you gotta get the import/export scripts, I like to use these ones, the ones called "x-plane2blender" http://marginal.org.uk/x-planescenery/tools.html


    After that, I suggest you watch Danklaue's amazing youtube planemaker and blender tutorials, be sure to pay close attention, I got a lot of info out of those vids.

  5. Criticism is easy; achievement is more difficult.  - Winston Churchill


    Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things. - Winston Churchill

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  6. the 757 is a nice jet compared to the 777, and I sincerely believe that dramatizes has done a better job with the plane. The problem with Ramzzess, however, is that he overlooks the finer visual details of the plane and ignores them once he's released the plane itself. 


    Regarding your third statement, "I wounder how many of the people...", it's not about one's ability to build a plane, but one's knowledge of a plane that is being demonstrated in the criticism. Ramzzess is an extremely talented coder and to a lesser extent, a modeler  but even he can over look the fine details and nuances in the design of a plane. Although I, for example, can't build a plane as technologically advanced as Ramzzess, I still can recognize that the plane has incorrect design properties. You don't need to know how to model to know that a replica of a real life object is not correct. I think that most people who defend payware builders or simply dislike critics overlook the fact that they are in fact replicating a plane, and that when we're paying 50+ dollars for a replica, we expect quite a bit of detail being put into the plane, especially if those who are putting out 30$ planes and freeware can do an equally good job.


    This doesn't mean that I think all the criticism is merited, however there is a fair share of criticism that does know what's wrong with the modelling and how it should be fixed, and in my opinion, that's the information that a modeler has to absorb quickly so as to prevent errors from being produced in the final product.


    Your last statement, Wait until it's released is a major no-no in my opinion. I've found that although Ramzzess actively gives help with your own projects, he tends not to listen to the criticism, constructive or destructive given to him. I personally think it'd be easier to get that information over to him before the plane is released, because he would still have many of the source files ready for editing.


    This is all my opinion, yes, a lot of the criticism is without merit, but a few points should be investigated further.

    • Upvote 4
  7. Hey I was wondering if you could release a beta or some thing like that or... even though it may seem crazy maybe you could let me try it out, and i was wondering if i could get rights to try to create a VC for the 767 and a livery 


    We don't do betas, the 787 project will be a finished product on its first release.


    As for the 767, we can't give you rights to it, however you're more than welcome to create a VC for it without modifying any other parts (meaning no modification of objects or the .acf file). If you succeed, show me the final result and if it doesn't violate any rules, you can upload it here.

  8. bit of editing, i need to move the front part of the wing box back a bit, i know. But i started to model the basic H Stab, V Stab and but the object that joins them. i have to smoothen that object a bit and model it better but it is going well. My mouse broke so i couldn't work for the begining of summer. Suggestions please say them :D


    looks good! Progressing really well for a first jet. A suggestion, the wing root fairing, or wingbox, is it not connected to the fuselage and in one mesh in this plane? because on the real airplane, the wingbox is smooth, not bumpy as it is in your rendering.


    If you take a look at the photo below, you can see that the wingbox has an up and down curve to it, starting from the third passenger window backwards. The blue and gray stripe provides a pretty good guide as to the shape of the wingbox



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