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Posts posted by Michael_Chang

  1. Hey y'all

    It's been a while since I've lurked on this forum. I must admit it's very flattering to see that my 767-400 is still the top download in the forum haha. 

    I'll cut straight to the chase, as I'm mostly here to tie up loose ends regarding what has happened to my projects and where I am now. After high school, I simply haven't been able to find time to continue developing the 787 project. The short of it is, the project is dead. Source files for the aircraft probably don't even exist anymore, and if they do, I certainly can't find them. I do apologize for being so silent on the issue, I genuinely didn't anticipate how crazy life would become in the years after 11th grade.

    These days, I don't really fly anymore, though I'm tempted to jump back into it some day. That being said, I still work a lot in the 3D modelling and CGI world now as a full time job, working with VR imaging companies and doing my own CGI visualization and photography work in the automotive industry. (I've enclosed some examples of my recent work, if you guys are curious).

    I'd like to try and get back into the community eventually, just as a member for the forseable future, and maybe someday as a developer again. :)







    • Upvote 3
  2. Hey Michael or ZRoman is that your 918 in the background?


    This question is so refreshing you have NO idea.


    Yeah, it's Michael Wekerle's Porsche 918 Spyder, it was burned down in a fuel accident about a week after this photo, he got a new one a few months ago, in black.

    • Upvote 2
  3. Hi ZRoman or Michael Chang,

    I just want to ask for a release date and can you please give us pre releases? The video promos on youtube makes your plane look so good. The video was launched like a year ago or so and it looks finished, so even though you may not think you have finished it, we are all waiting. Can you please release a pre-release version for this plane? Also, please reply me.


    If this keeps up i'm going to kill this thread and leave EVERYONE in the dark until the plane is finished.

    • Upvote 1
  4. All he has to do is have the common decency to let people know how the project is developing; after all he started the project.

    If he does not wish to finish the project he started, so be it.


    Just 2 minutes of his time for a reply, rather than an elitist ‘they can wait’ attitude.




    This is my project and I will decide when I make updates to this thing. Don't tell me to have the "common decency" to share my work with you, it's my work and my "common decency" will be updating you WHEN I CAN, which is NOT as often as you clearly want me to.


    There are things more important to me right now than a pile of computer code, deal with it.

    • Upvote 1
  5. I also find your stupidity intriguing, a hypocrite criticising two developers about their use of profanity, yet in his comments also shows a substantial use of vulgarity. I can swear and deliver strong language wherever I want, when I want and how I want, welcome to the internet. I'm glad you don't attend my school, because if you do you'd be screwed up. And for your reference we are not arrogant, and self-righteous "douche bags", you are perhaps exactly what you describe of us, arrogant because you named yourself "the best painter in X-Plane", self-righteous? oh please, if thats the case I guess everyone in X-Pilot except you is"self righteous", and to quote from Oliver "Good luck my young uneducated friend". 

    This is pathetic, and a really stupid conversation. Michael's intentions to vulgarly reply to Luca's naive comments is purely to make his point firm and if you don't see that, I am sorry but get out.

    Back on topic please, I am eagerly waiting for the upcoming FSXP 787, its a freeware add-on and its a hobby we do, so obviously its not Michael's top priority to finish this, and there are obviously more important things to be taken care off than completing this.


    It's absolutely hilarious listening to you and Michael tell people to shut the F up all from the safety of your computers. I'm quite adamant you're only doing this because I don't know where you live, and I don't attend your school. You two arrogant, pretentious, self-righteous douche bags can keep throwing verbal barbs all from the safety of your computers. It's no wonder you two do so well in X-Plane Aviators. You two are pompous asses. 


    you two literally have no chill.

  6. In case anyone didn't realize yet, I don't really care what Darius has to say. Darius, you must surely have better things to do than argue and insult someone who REALLY doesn't care. 


    Now then, A large surprise in terms of development will be coming in the next few months, NO, IT'S NOT THE FINAL RELEASE, but it is exciting!

    • Upvote 2
  7. It's absolutely hilarious listening to you and Michael tell people to shut the F up all from the safety of your computers. I'm quite adamant you're only doing this because I don't know where you live, and I don't attend your school. You two arrogant, pretentious, self-righteous douche bags can keep throwing verbal barbs all from the safety of your computers. It's no wonder you two do so well in X-Plane Aviators. You two are pompous asses. 


    You can shut the fuck up too. 

  8. He didn't ASK anything you pretentious douche. All he is saying is that he hopes you continue to keep up the good work because the more previews you release, the more excited the community becomes for the release of the aircraft. I can't stand how you think you're so professional with how you carry yourself. In actuality, you're FAR from it. I've seen users ask payware developers HUNDREDS of times when something will be released, yet the developers have NEVER resulted to vulgarity. If you wanna be taken seriously, you shoildnt ever speak with people that way. HOLY CRAP. What is your freaking problem? You think you can talk to people how ever you want to since you live a sheltered life, but wait until you get into the real world.


    You can shut the fuck up too. 

  9. I hope this project isn't scraped, I really like this plane, I'm not criticising , I'm praising the making of this plane, me , along with everyone else are really excited for the release of this plane, the more updates you show us , the more people will think good about the development of this plane.


    literally shut the fuck up.


    ^ I still stand by that ^


    I don't understand why you are so thick-skulled. If I say I won't reveal anything, I won't reveal anything. Why can't you just be patient and wait like everyone else? YES the plane will be released, when? Maybe tomorrow, Maybe Christmas of 2016. STOP ASKING.

    • Upvote 1
  10. wow I can't believe how much happened in here after a month of absence. YES, the plane will be finished eventually, WHEN? i don't really know :/ it's hard to build something like this when you're life is taken up by 2 jobs, university apps, SATs, Social life and High school isn't it?

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