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Everything posted by Thywillbedone

  1. Thanks guys. Its getting a lot easier and I have made a lot of progress understanding things in the last 24 hours thanks to the replies on this board. How much easier it would be if I had a one-on-one tutorial! But that would take the fun out of it!! Re using nDac on windows on my mac...well I have a new iMac arriving next week and plan to keep my existing iMac (27" mid 2010 low spec) as a moving map etc so might use horani's suggestion above. Speaking of the new iMac...anyone run xplane10 on the highest spec 2012 iMac? I might post some results once I have if of interest? I was torn between building a spec Windows machine and buying the new iMac...ultimately I could not face going back to windows. cessna729, thanks. I guess when you google approach plates you get quite a few returns and it is not always obvious what plates are current/correct etc etc.
  2. On a separate note, I am disappointed to find that navigraph (nDac application) does not support Mac (which I use) - I think that means I have to look up the approach plates through the various country agencies per the Eurocontrol website. I tried this last night for the Italian site which requires registration etc etc. Is there not an easier way?
  3. Thanks for the replies. Very helpful. I have much more to learn!! But a quick question...the FMS on the route to LFMN offers me a TRANS called "MUS" (following approach of ILSo4R) along with "NERAS" and "NERA1"...I cannot find transitions "MUS" or "NERA1" on the the map you helpfully pointed me to? Ignore the above question...just found the answer. Thanks!
  4. Hi all. I am a novice teaching myself the CRj200. I have figured most of it out but I cannot work out how to enter the correct flightplan to make an ILS approach to a particular runway. For example, I find myself looking through various STARs to see which might lead (with a particular TRANS) to a good line up to capture an ILS. If I look at approach plates on (for example, airportnavfinderdotcom) they do not match up with any of the STARs listed in the CRJ FMS. I have just updated the FMS from navigraph so its not an issue with that. Further, I am not able to scroll in to the map in enough detail prior to takeoff to see whether a selected route brings me onto the correct ILS approach. Often selecting various STARs seems to add many miles to the journey (sometimes doubling it). So I suppose the question is...for the CRJ with updated FMS, where do find your approach plates to match the FMS and from there how do you go about selecting STARs/TRANS etc to make sure you get properly lined up 10 miles out for good ILS capture on your preferred runway? As an example I fly to Nice last night from Milan and ended up approaching the runway 90 degrees off. My second question is in capturing the ILS. It seems to be tricky to capture this smoothly when changing from NAV FMS to NAV1...the loc is easy to capture but sometimes things get very bumpy when capturing the g/s? In the real world this seems to be very smooth. Is there a trick to this? Final question, why does the default x-plane 10 miles out approach always start at an altitude below which I can capture the glidesope? Ie I have to climb if I want to capture it or fly level for a few miles? Is there a way of re-setting this to, say, 3,500ft so that when I select the 10 miles out option I am higher than the default (which is about 2,500ft)? Thanks in advance!!
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