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Everything posted by PilotBalu

  1. Sorry for not answering earlier, I am on a trip. Yes, I will do all the countries and continents with the new beta 0.7 resp 0.7.1 and publish it at simheaven.com. Maybe then in the normal download area. Sent via Tapatalk
  2. There is already a osm only: http://simheaven.com/experimental/Europe/NeedsWMMFromWorld2Xplane/ These sceneries are rendered withou smart exclusions.
  3. No bug, I've just checked Osm_Germany_beta4-sd.7z, extracted and there are 1,27 GB in the folder, all looks fine!
  4. Oops, US and Canadian guys say same... My main focus is Europe, as I know how countries and cities should look like from cockpit USA, Canada, Australia are soooo big, need an huge amount of tiles, server space (nobody would pay) and of course work... But... my love is with you... and with all people like (sim)flying and value the work of some people like you did in your post above!
  5. Germany is online, made with Beta 1.1, file size is 480 MB. Have fun testing and flying!
  6. And that is the real Ulm with cathedral:
  7. do the trees really come out of the osm scenery? Has anybody checked this? e.g. if you use my simheaven's osm scenery, some regions where osm forests are quite good, have an exclusion for forests over the whole tile. If you change the osm to the newly generated, it could be that trees coming from standard or hd mesh scenery below are now visible. If you still have trees after disabling osm sceneries, it's not in the osm!
  8. well, it's better first to optimize the tool and then generate the whole world, there are some osm sceneries downloadable, also on my web site so if you are interested helping us, please make checks if all is built up well, make suggestions to improve, help us with objects...
  9. I can host generated sceneries at simheaven.com. And I could give some specialists FTP access to upload files. If the version is stable and the quality of the sceneries is good, I can replace my osm sceneries made Feb 2014. Of course there are many curious simflyers want to get ready made sceneries, IMHO it is reasonable to have them after the version is stable and not to download every two days a new version.
  10. That's a fantastic work Tony! The shots flying over Nuremberg look "real", I haven't discovered anything wrong. German people are quite good in OSM, but French are even better. You have to test Paris, that is the biggest dsf file (+48+002) in the whole world und surely it has very interesting buildings, this would be a hard test for your tool.
  11. Stephen, you can write me a PM, I will try to answer your questions.
  12. Stephen, if you like something like "ready-2-go", you can have a look at simheaven.com and download OSM sceneries for all continents, even photo sceneries for Northern America (see http://simheaven.com/?page_id=322 and search for "(USA)") or any other photo scenery in ZL16/ZL17 of Europe. For adjusting visibility, you can edit any .obj or .fac file and search for "ATTR_LOD". The second value is the visibilty in meters. For the R2_library this is 8000, you can increase the LOD by changing e.g. "ATTR_LOD 0.000000 8000.000000" to "ATTR_LOD 0.000000 25000.000000", best do it with Notepad++, there you can change all entries with one click.
  13. That's right, if the files are dated Dec 2013 or newer, they already have HDv2-based dsf, and this is set active.
  14. You're right Tony! Last year, it took quite a long time to generate the osm continents, 3 - 4 weeks of calculation and lot of errors to correct as file are really huge. I made continents to avoid the problem with overlapping tiles at the border of countries. Now with 12 GB of osm data for Europe -> I think it's nearly impossible to generate in an adequate time. Then I spend some weeks to speed up the process and generate all continents automatically - I do this by a pre-processing of osm data and parallel tasks. Now it's a 3 days calculation in total and only 4 errors at the multipolygon part to correct manually. So, I would appreciate if your new osm tool could run in a batch file.
  15. That is possible!
  16. Sorry for the late answer, I follow the topic when and where I can... For the regionalisation, I prefer as you wrote a library based solution instead of a hardcoded solution. The fact is, that the library solution offers more flexibility to change regions, houses after generation. Even when objects are added later. Let's say we have a standard set of objects for houses, defined by length x width x height and type. This standard set is used during generation of the osm scenery. After finishing you define a region and within this region you define that some houses of the standard set are substituted with typical houses for this region. I've done this with the Europe library, Uwespeed with his European vehicles, it work's quite well and you need just an update of the library.txt to change everything.
  17. That is amazing... With few objects you can change the overall look. That's what I also recognized with the 'Europe Library'. I'm doing just an update of my OSM sceneries at simheaven.com, as OSM data grew by 20 percent. Hopefully it's the last update doing this way.
  18. admin simHeaven.com

  19. admin SimHeaven.com

  20. That's it! Missing artwork stopped me to add regional buildings. At least, LyAvain and me made the "European Library" to change standard XP houses in Europe (with help of R2_Library) to European style. To generate a nearly real looking scenery out of OSM, we need this artwork, and I would be glad with the help of some users this could be achieved.
  21. The scenery gap between countries is the reason I do whole continents. With smart exclusions it should also work, as there are only exclusions set where facades are, but I have a prework algorithm to speed up the generation of OSM sceneries also for huge data files. Also a problem with multipolygons was, if a building or forest is over the border line of two tiles, you have to split up into two separate objects. And sometimes we had to correct the faulty points of an inner/outer ring or to decrease the number of points. There were many many things we worked on with the MultiOSM2XP tool... At the beginning I thought, well, that's easy, two days of work for Daikan, than we needed several weeks...
  22. I'm always interested making my OSM sceneries more realistic, so your tool will help to do so. First shots are impressive! There's much more information in OSM data, that we can use for more realistic buildings, e.g. color or kind of building, roof... or combine OSM with other data, like getting roof images from satellite shots. or to judge if OSM data is sufficent and set exclusions for autogen objects (smart exclusions in my and Bens term). Also regional facades are possible. I follow this topic, but if you need some assistance, please contact me.
  23. VFR & IFR flying, sceneries, tools

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