I've seen postings about the multi-touch working with the (spendy and not necessary for my use case) RSG hardware DFC-90 emulator. I fly with both a Honeycomb Bravo throttle quadrant and multi-touch screen on which I run Air Manager (with Knobster). So I have plenty of controls, they are not as perfect as RSG but good enough for me!
The challenge is that I want to make the Bravo AP controls work correctly with the DFC90 on the Entegra SR22 (this is my config IRL, I feel very lucky).
To do this on the Bravo, as near as I can tell I'm going to have to go pretty deep to program the Bravo config, possibly including creating new datarefs to store that a button is pressed and held (eg IAS or VS for vertical, or HDG for lateral), so that I can test on that dataref to set the correct action on the second button press that occurs while the first button is held (eg ALT for vertical or NAV or GPSS for lateral).
Question: is there an easier way? Is there something I'm missing?
All advice welcomed. I can code, but it's not something I do all the time so it's gonna take me a long time to start from scratch.
Thanks so much!