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About TheRamon

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  1. Hello IXEG team, I'm the developer of AviTab Browser, a browser plugin for AviTab enabled planes. Users are currently reporting issues with the IXEG 733 where the plugin is displayed with graphical artifacts, and somehow half-transparent. I would love to find out the cause and get to the bottom of this issue, but unfortunately I don't have access to the IXEG 733 plane. I have been in Teamviewer sessions with users to find out the root cause, but as you can imagine, debugging that way is hard. I have also been in contact with Jan, over on x-plane.org. He gave me some helpful tips, e.g. disabling Zink, but unfortunately those didn't work. I was wondering if there is any way I could get my hands on a trial version of the IXEG 733, that I can use to debug the plugin. It could also very well be a downgraded version of the airplane, somehow. Maybe a version where all the sound files are deleted, or maybe even some objects like the fuselage or so, making the plane unusable for normal flying. That would aid my debugging a lot. Thanks in advance! Kind regards, - Ramon AviTab browser plugin: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/93812-avitab-browser-a-web-browser-addon-for-the-avitab-plugin/
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