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  1. Hi Cameron, Thanks for your quick reply. I changed the speed of the mouse wheel in the control panel, see the attached picture, and it has become a bit more bearable. The speed of my mouse seems to be slow though, so I'll try it with a different mouse. I've already flown from Munich to Dresden and am slowly getting used to the plane. The control panel is in German because my Windows is in German, I was too lazy to change it to English for the photo.
  2. Hi Pils, Thanks for your quick reply. I'm surprised that this doesn't work because I saw it in a video. The video is in German because I'm a native German speaker, but you can see that the pilot can adjust the knobs quickly. Maybe you have an idea. I, as participant O, left a comment 14 hours ago but no response yet. Greetings from Adler65
  3. Addendum to my last post. I meant that I can't roll on the ground because the nose wheel can't be steered. The error was fixed by reinstalling the aircraft. But I have another problem, the rotary knobs like the height on the AP or the lighting have to be adjusted with wheels. You can click with the mouse but it's very slow. What do I have to set where so that I can quickly operate all the rotary knobs with the mouse?
  4. I have released the nose wheel and am rolling straight ahead. On other aircraft you can turn the nose wheel using the vertical axis of the joystick, but on the Challenger 650 this doesn't work. There is a way to turn the nose wheel using the keyboard, but this does not allow you to roll to the runway.
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