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  1. Thank you Cameron for your reply. I checked my windows firewall, all X plane connections seem to be authorized. I looked on the log to see if there was a particular error number or type of connection but I can't really see where the problem is coming from to try to correct it more precisely.
  2. It should be fine this time. Log.txt
  3. Here is a link to my log : https://drive.google.com/file/d/112yzSUXSRAEqoTjcHMggidV865_faAB7/view?usp=drive_link
  4. Hello everyone I've already seen that there were starting problems with the SR20. On the other hand, for the ones I've seen, the SR20 worked with the “autostart” option when you launch the game. For me, this doesn't work. The propeller spins for a few seconds and then stops. The plane's keys are already removed, so I don't know if that's the reason. I've recharged the batteries, the flaps and lights work, but not the G1000, I have a message “for personal use only, commercial use prohibited bla bla bla”, I don't know if this is normal. I'm using X planes 11. Thanks in advance, I'm getting desperate...
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