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Shame on me! A guy from the org just pointed me to this plugin: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9820 It does exactly what i need. Now, if i set the flight time to 20 zulu it will actually get me the last 20 zulu weather. Cheers Chris
Hi and thanks for the reply. I read/tried myself a bit into that matter to figure out how the actual metar file influences the weather in the game and it looks like the problem is in deed the metar file itself. In my particular test the Metar file read for PAGS an OVC003 at 730Z and an BKN003 at 823Z which is about an hour back from where we are now (930Z) but i am aware of that delay. Still an overcast or even broken with a base at 003 is pretty darn low. Then of course i checked aviationweather.gov and the values for the last hours do exactly match the numbers in the File. So the conclusion is: Metar.rwx is correct -> X-Plane handles it correctly -> Hands it over correctly -> SkyMaxx shows the correct overcast Looks like it is just not a good idea to fly VFR with night time weather in canada. You don´t happen to know if there is a way to make X-Plane load a Metar file from say 12 hours ago instead of the current one? Cheers Chris
Hi, i use v 2.0 and i fly mainly in Alaska and BC. If i use real internet weather, i have almost everytime very thick and puffy clouds very near to the ground (sea level). If i let x-plane create the weather the clouds will be just right. Also if i start a flight in for example germany with real weather, the clouds are fine too. I am wondering if there might be something wrong with the plugin or with the provided data. Also i am not sure if the weather up there just is like that. The thing is that it is middle of the night in canada when i fly, sitting here in germany. I have not found a way to load real weather from some 10 hours ago into x-plane so far. Cheers Chris
Wow this is just great! Exacly what we where looking for! I created a PDF with your files just for the ease of having it in one single file. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9963204/CRJ-200.pdf Big THANX for that! Chris
What would I ask my DC-3 to get next
MasterTRL replied to Pirx's topic in Douglas DC-3 (no longer in use)
Thanks for the Flowers but i´m truely no expert. I was just noticing that, if there is a new bug even due to changes in X-Plane itself, the pressure from your customers can get pretty high. And from my own experience i know that if you have already high pressure in the bugfixing departement, it is very hard to concentrate on really new features like new engines. On the org i saw a discussion about additional liveries for the (upcoming) 777. Someone stated that there would be some included and you could buy more for say one dollar each. More then one othe people had the opinion that this was a "ripoff". I thought about that and i don´t think so. I really think this should and will be the next step in the Flightsim World. Payware addons for payware addons. I see absolute no logic behind paying once and getting NEW stuff (not talking about bugfixes here!) till the end of days. I´m not involved in this business so i don´t know if your business roadmap already goes that way but maybe it would be a good idea to start a poll here about whether or not people would pay some more money for quality upgrades for their payware planes?! Cheers Chris -
What would I ask my DC-3 to get next
MasterTRL replied to Pirx's topic in Douglas DC-3 (no longer in use)
Hi Goran, of course we do not ecpect you to fulfill all our wishes! It is more then enough that you even take our suggestions into your plannings. And of course, talking about the DC-3, bugfixing and implementing features which are there in real life (in YOUR Version of the plane) is more important then adding new stuff like GPS, Lnav or turboprops. However i see some potencial there. This would be DLC for the DLC which is what these planes actually are. For example i could imagine 10 bucks for a turboprop addon, if you already have the DC-3. Then there could be the original DC-3 for 30 and a bundle where you buy both versions for 35. I work in software business myself and the customers pay hundrets of euros per month to get support and regular updates. No one can expect that he pays you 30 euros and you work for him for the rest of his life. As i said, buxfixes and missing features are ok for free, but i see no problem in selling additional addons for the plane for an exeptable price. I started just a few weeks ago checking out this free and payware economy, orbiting around X-Plane. And i have to say it is amazing what you guys do there. And the way you interact with your customers is just outstanding. This is a whole different world compared to trying to ask for support for regular full price games out there. Thumbs up for this! Cheers Chris -
What would I ask my DC-3 to get next
MasterTRL replied to Pirx's topic in Douglas DC-3 (no longer in use)
Hi again, actually a "Turboprop Addon" would be wort another 10 bucks if you ask me... ;-) Cheers Chris -
What would I ask my DC-3 to get next
MasterTRL replied to Pirx's topic in Douglas DC-3 (no longer in use)
Hi, i bought the DC-3 just yesterday and one of the reasons was that it is a plane which YOU fly by yourself. I mean no a computer and stuff. You know, if i want a computer to fly for me this works pretty well with thr CRJ or the upcomming 777, and even faster. ;-) But of course i agree that a gps as ahown on the screenshot could become handy. Cheers Chris -
Hi Kyle, spent some thoughts on this topic the last days too. Oh boy how i was diggin for that "Long range cruise control" chart for the CRJ. Did not find one... So this post is quite old...maybe you have found something in the meantime? About the Trim stuff: Since the position of the single passengers is not simulated in X-Plane, which means that even a rightly calculated trim does not make any difference, i don´t bother with it really. I just take off, then hold trim up and slowly release the stick. Works for me. Cheers Chris
How to select a "good" cruise altitude?
MasterTRL replied to MasterTRL's topic in General Discussion
Hi J, thanks for your opinion. Actually i thought that including the wind into the calculation would be my next step after i have figured out how high to fly with a certain weight. However i found out so far that there should exist a "performance manual" for every(?) plane which has the information about altitude in relation to weight. I was wondering if you would posess such a manual since i did not find it online, at least not for free. Also i have noticed that the FMC gave me advice for the altitude in the legs list. Is this a calculation or are these just standard values? For example on my todays flight from EDDM to LGKR, about 600nm, it said i should ascend to 250 for cruise. This sounds realistic to me but i can not judge if it is really the right altitude for my weight of 48000 at this moment. Cheers Chris -
Hi Guys, i´m trying to figure out how i should proceed to select a good cruise altitude. I read some things about planes having a designated max alt for a specific weight, say FL250 is max alt with 30000lbs (i made these values up!). Is there some kind of chart or table where i can check how hi i can fly? Or a formula to calculate? How do YOU decide about the altitude? Cheers Chris
OH. MY. FUCKING. DOG. This is just great! How can someone possibly be that brilliant? It´s really a shame that it is so hard to get enough money from selling these babys to hire some more brilliant guys to get more ob these absolutely fabulous planes done. But on the other hand...the fact that such great things can be accieved without the big money behind you lets these planes shine even more. Bravo Chris
Hi Otto, oh how i know the "Aren't you gonna fly ?" from my Wife. Exactly the same for me. I watched the whole Tutorial even before i bought the plane so i was pretty much aware of what i had to expect. But i have to say that i am very new to such realistic simulations. I have tried Cliffs of Dover before, which is also very realistic, but getting a spitfire off the ground is really a different thing. So when i got the CRJ i also spent over an hour diggin through the tutorial. Once the engines where running i have to say that the Takeoff was not that big problem since the whole AP procedure is not that different to other planes. Programming a route, following it ans even calculating the top of descend did go well so far. At the momment i´m struggling with ILS approach and how to configure the visuals to be nice while fast. Overall this is just a great plane, not only to look at but also to feel it. And it is still a long way till i will be able to interact with other people online while trying not to crash. Cheers Chris
Hi Guys, what happened to this so far? Is there any progress to report? Cheers Chris