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  1. Only to feedback you, license freeze of an outdated installation in the same machine worked fine. Machine has not been freezed, only the licensing related to this datetime. thanks.
  2. Ok, I deactivate previous activations and feedback you that all was fine. Thanks alot for your support!! Regards
  3. No, appears the same machine in different timedates. MachineA DatetimeA MachineA DatetimeB MachineA DatetimeC So if I deactivate the machine A in datetime A or B or both, Will be MachineA deactivated forever? Thanks for your quick response. regards
  4. Hi, I'm just testing how to improve x-Plane performance using multicomputer configuration, so one equipment in my local network works as 1)Master and the other one as 2)External Visual machine in which I try to fly the plane. The problem is the IXEG 737 Classic Plus paid license is in the 1)Master one and if I try to activate the License in the 2)External Visual machine, the licensing steps shows me the current Licensed machine will be desactivated FOREVER (tha Master one). I do not want that, because for some reasons some days I want to play in one alone computer (the Master one) and other days I want to test the performance infrastructure with the 2 equipments, flying in the External Visual one. How can I use my bought license in the unique equipment I need in the time I need? If I undertand well, If I deactivate the license in one of them I can't license again this machine when I finish use it in the other equipment. Does it Is correct? If so, How can I use my license how I need? Because in the first round of changes i'll never can use my license in anyone of my equipments FOREVER and its not a valid behaviour for a Customer who paid their license. Thanks in advance.
  5. Not good to hear that. Anyway, thank you for help and aclaration. REgards.
  6. Hi, IXEG 737 X-Plane 12 Load Saved Flight does not work correctly after a Save Flight situation file. The FMC is loaded empty and can't be reproduced saved state. Any help about? Does it is a development feature missing or is something I miss when loading? Please help about. Regards.
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