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  1. In V1.8 I serviced oil for the first time after shutdown. The next time I started I got an External Door Open alert and discovered that it was due to the oil servicing door being opened. I can only surmise that although you can't physically open this door in the sim, something thinks it is open. Screenshot attached. Any idea how I can shut it? It's also causing ground crew to give me a thumbs down prior to starting #2 I think.
  2. The landing checklist is complete. It is a CAS system callout "Flaps" and doesn't sound like the FO.
  3. I have had slightly different variation where my flaps retract on final after I have fully extended them and verified set. I find out when I get the callout "flaps". It's happened on my last 3 approaches. I'll look next time to see if the lever moved or just the flaps.
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