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  1. Sorry for speaking to you in my language (Spanish). I assumed that we all had the same duty to use the translator, as I do when I need it. I still appreciate your kind attention. Let me explain; part of the problem is that the Log.txt file of my X-Plane has been filling up with so much information every time I try to open the simulator, that it is already weighing almost 6 GB (see attached photo) due to which I cannot attach it. Apparently it is some virus, but I cannot confirm it.
  2. Desde que instalé Sequoia 15.2 tengo el mismo error en las 2 versiones Xplane instaladas (11 y 12) que antes corrían perfectamente. Abrí el archivo XPLM en el Terminal y arroja este error: "format error: /Users/graciela/X-Plane 12/Resources/plugins/XPLM.framework/Versions/C/XPLM". ¿A cuál formato se refiere y cómo solucionarlo?
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