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  1. Ok thank you it is working. Time to learn more, and do some flights.
  2. I wrote about in Topic Switches don't work but nobody read it I have pc with windows 10 pro All folder in xplane 11 have disabled read only. I have problem with switches and screens on sr22 entegra. No errors from x-aviation installer. Planes loaded but not workin all switches and screens (only hearing some sound when i clicking to switch sometching ) product on gizmo is activated. I'm using xplane 11, can we do some fixes to make it working? here some logs from xplane 11: Log.txt
  3. PC: Have windows 10 64bit pro All folder is have disabled read only. I have problem with switches on sr22 entegra. No errors from x-aviation installer. Planes loaded but not workin all switches and screens (only hearing some sound when i clicking to switch sometching ) product on gizmo is activated. I'm using xplane 11, can we do some fixes to make it working? here some logs from xplane 11: Log.txt
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