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Everything posted by TomJay

  1. I have removed all Plugins and everything worked fine. I have the copied the plugins back one by one to find the one causing the issue. However now all plugins are back in the folder and the DA40 works fine anyway. Not sure if this was expected to be the case, but the problem seems to be solved
  2. Hi Cameron, attached please find my log.txt. I also tried to re-install the DA40, however things did not improve. @Harald: Thanks for the hint, however there is no key anywhere. If i remember right, it was hanging on the altimeter turn knob in previous versions, however this is not the case in v1.1.1. And as said, also the options menu is missing. Log.txt
  3. Just downloaded the latest version 1.1.1. However the options menu is gone (where you could chose standby instrumentation, enter a custom registration) and I cannot power up the aircraft. So the key switch is turning but "the key is missing".... I guess the problem might be sitting in front of the computer, however I would appreciate your support and help. BR Thomas
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