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  1. Hi I've done a quick search and didn't see anything on this. But when I try to delete an airframe in career mode nothing seems to happen. The registration remains in the list ?
  2. I am hesitant to post this here, but I'm kinda lost for what to try. Not had time to fly for some weeks until today. I spent a lot of time planning the flight doing all the pre flight stuff all was going good until I called for pushback using better push. When they connected the nose door opened. And when they disconnected it did not close. I tried everything to get it to close. And it won't. So before anyone makes a suggestion, I know about the nose wheel doos switch behind the APU panel. I know about having hydrolic 1A or 1B on, I know about the pin that locks the gear door open. I had all pins removed, all hydraulics on and APU running switching the door from open to close did nothing ? Andy
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