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Posts posted by BWolf7

  1. Imagine if the president used an a380 doubt it because its european

    Correct, just like Obama drives around in crappy American cars. I'm not sure that Cameron himself flies on any designated plane... And definitely not an A380. I'm pretty sure he just charters flights when he needs them, or rings up Obama to fly him on Air Force One...

  2. I really hope that PMDG wont do the B777 as well! ;-)

    PMDG HAS already done it... as I have said, the systems are the same, textures are gorgeous, and modelling is spot on.


    That's why my opinion is that they should better had developed another plane instead of one who is already the best heavy we can now get in XP.

    I don't really understand what you mean... Its as if you are referring to the PMDG one.

  3. How naive, sorry :-)


    Yes, the pictures look nice. But are you only looking at the pictures? I even can't see any differences in appearance beetween Ramzess B777 and PMDG's one. And: you shouldn't let you blend like this because in that case you only can be disappointed when it comes out (if one day it will come out) ;-)


    The wingflex in Ramzess is the best example that can't bee seen on preview-pictures. So once again: try to be less naive. This B777 won't be perfect as well ;-)

    The Ramzzess T7 has many modelling errors, and awful textures. The only reason its so successful is because of Phillip.

    -Edit: From watching videos of the PMDG 777, I can conclude that the systems are pretty even between the two. The same corners were cut in the PMDG T7.

  4. $22.99 dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I could buy the sim for that amount!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sim is 30 bucks... More of that logic: PMDG=$80.... X-Plane=$60...CRJ, T7, A380=$60

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