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  1. Ok so after a lot of troubleshooting I found the culprit! It appears that TrueEarth Great Britain south and/or north are the problem. When entering the south of France the sim keeps crashing but when I disable the scenery packages there aren't any problems anymore! I have tested it with countless combinations (AutoOrtho on/off, X-World on/off) and every single time it is TrueEarth that is the problem. I can successfully use TrueEarth products from X-Plane 11 in 12 with the Challenger (Balearic Islands for example) but there is something with the recently released Britain that is the issue. I'm not quite sure why this is happening seeing as it's basically another form of Ortho scenery but perhaps it is worth looking into? It isn't happening with other planes so it must be Challenger related. Hope this can get sorted because the Challenger in combination with TrueEarth are an absolute dream! Just to see if others can replicate the problem. My flight was as following: LEIB/06 EPAMA3F EPAMA N856 UMURE N863 GIROM DCT GONUP DCT TUPAR UY120 AKIKI UN867 AVANT UM184 HEMEL T420 ELVOS ELVOS1M EGCC/23R Cruising altitude FL 400. The crash appears when nearing waypoint RALIX at around 20nm. Attached a screenshot after just clearing the 'crash zone'
  2. Hi all. My X-Plane keeps crashing which according to the .log file is because of the Challenger. Not sure why this is happening because I have been able to fly without any issues the last few days but here is my log file: Hope someone can help! Log.txt
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