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Everything posted by Al1

  1. I'm not sure what that means. Do I need to uninstall and reinstall the 650? enclosed is the log text from X plane 11 Log.txt
  2. any help on the above topics? Still not able to use and trying to fix the issues mentioned, no checklist with plugins installed and crew door not opening.
  3. I found a sit inside the cockpit button and the message to install Avitab plug in still shows up. I installed the links you sent me and no checklist on the ipad still. Why wont the door open too? They should show this on the promo video if this is how it performs. at least how to fix it.
  4. just a shot of the door hovering, it will not open. I only exited the plane to install the Avitab plug in and it won't let me open the door to get back in. The issue with the altimeter is being caused by the 650, I removed it from X plane 12 and it fixed the issue. I kept it in 11 and it still exist, so that is what's causing the altimeter issue. Should I remove and reinstall the 650? I would like to get to learn the airplane and eventually fly it.
  5. why does the crew entrance door only open partially? I"m just trying to get back in the cockpit to see if the ipad show the checklist and it's only opening 1/2 way and closing.
  6. I found the avitab link, thanks. Any ideas on the altimeter issue? I'm trying to make this work.
  7. Here's a screenshot of the BE58, the standby altimeter is showing high and the Colsman window does not move, altimeter only dials up in altitude. First time I booted up X plane 12 it was the primary altimeter, now it's the stand by. Also wondering where to install the Avitab plugin so the 650 ipad shows the checklist.
  8. Correction, it is in the aircraft folder of X plane under X aviation. I removed it on 12 and it fixed the altimeter issue on the BE58. Any ideas on why this started or how to fix it? thank you Log.txt Log.txt
  9. I installed the Hot Start 650 on X plane 11 and 12 and the stock BE58 altimeter now no longer works in both X plane 11 and 12. It starts up at an extreme high altitude and only rotates up, does not allow me to decrease the altimeter. I removed the 650 from the plugin folder and it now works fine, so the Challenger 650 is causing the issue. At first it was the primary altimeter and it switched to the secondary. I do most of my flying in the BE58, would love to learn the 650 airplane, but it can't be interfering with my other aircraft. Anyone have a solution or a why this is occurring as well as a fix?
  10. where do you install the avitab folder? does it go in the 650 folder? thank you!
  11. Trying to fly the Challenger 650 and I don't see a checklist on my ipad in the cockpit. I get a message to install Avitab plugin. Does anyone know how to get the checklist to show up? I see no option for Avitab.
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