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Everything posted by Nitsaw

  1. Hello all not sure anyone will be interested in this be see attached images of the avionics bay of a 605. I work on these in real life & was changing out a nav receiver and snapped some pictures.
  2. Hello On my takeoff roll my Vspeeds are clearing off the PFD. I don’t get any Vspeeds deleted message in the CDU. I was doing a Flex takeoff not sure if that’s anything to do with it. thanks
  3. Thanks I was trying to use the enter FBO on the aircraft manager! Well I look forward to V1.8 then. Thanks!
  4. Hello all Is it possible to go back into the FBO after exiting it the first time? Seems like the only way would be to restart Xplane ? Would be great to be able to simulate a quick turn and call the FBO before you land like in the real world. thanks
  5. Well not sure if I found one or not but for sure adds to the realism.
  6. Hello all Are failures possible without any failures being active in the failures menu? Today I had an Aileron PCU amber CAS message after engine start I have access to the Bombardier manuals and went to the QRH for Go/NoGo items and it was a No Go so I had to kick the pax’s off. I had to get maintenance involved oh wait that’s me. Step 1 from Smart fix which is Bombardiers trouble shooting manual was to power down the airplane unhook batteries wait 5 minutes and power back up. After the power cycle the CAS messaged cleared end of trouble shooting. Kudos Hotstart!
  7. Hello All, My Anti-Collision & Recog taxi lights are turning off by themselves. This is happening on taxi out and no other buttons being pressed so I don’t think I have any sort of conflict with a key binding assignment. Also I’m not using the copilot feature so it should not be happening. Has anyone else seen this issue? Thanks
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