I am having very similar problem with X-Aviation SR20 Entegra 2.0.2:
1) It works fine with XP11.
2) It crashes to Desktop after 10-15 seconds with XP12.
3) Other XP12 aircraft such as Laminar Cirrus work fine with XP12.
Win 11, Asus 3070, crashes whether or not any joysticks, pedals etc. are connected
I was getting a message saying default scenery was not install when flying from EGPH/EDI. I am using Orbx TrueEarth North for XP12 (just released). I had not installed any default XP12 scenery and had selected show water. After 10 seconds it crashed every time.
Then I went to FACT/CPT and just used the XP12 default scenery and the SR20 worked fine!
I will go and download the default scenery for northern UK and try again at EGPH but don't have time atm.