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Posts posted by Lauramks2

  1. Sometimes I have to laugh!  

    I had lost the ATS and the only way to reset that I knew about was to disconnect the FD, push TOGA and get it back. Operator error. This is the first aircraft (real or sim) that had a TOGA button for me to play with. The fun for me is playing with all these new toys and trying to figure out what they do. I am finding more good documentation which is shortening my learning curve. :-) Thanks for the help. It is valuable. 

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  2. 22 hours ago, Pils said:

    Did any of these apply?

    1. APPR button is pressed before the FMS has completed the NAV-to-NAV set up.
    2. The navigation radio does not tune to the required frequency.
    3. FMS is deselected and then re-selected as the navigation source after the Nav-to-Nav set up has completed and Approach mode has been selected.
    4. The approach is selected into the flight plan in the terminal area when the Approach mode is active, FMS is not the navigation source, and FMS is re-selected as the navigation source.

    Are you on the Hot Start Discord? In future it may be easier to troubleshoot these issues in "real time" with the community.

    I have a discord account but only have worked with the PilotEdge folks. I will find the HotStart group and connect. 
    Reviewing your reply, I am guessing one or more of those happened. I set up a plan from KVNY to KBUR so that I could practice multiple approaches. My goal was to fly the ILS to BUR then go missed approach down to VTU and hold. I would then open up the LEGS and go DIR to TOAKS for the next approach. On the way to TOAKS I would click on APPR and expect to fly the approach again. My guess is that since I am inside the 31 mile NAV to NAV, that it doesn't recognize I am doing the approach again? 

    The issues you point out may be something I am doing inadvertently. I have been recording my approaches to watch in detail what I am doing. This was really helpful to know. I found today that if I add in the APPR to my flight plan and then delete the discontinuity by copying the IAF point above the discontinuity, it seems to forget that the following points are part of an approach and treats it like an extended flight plan. 
    Is that a known issue? 

    On my approach to KOXR (ILS) today, I noticed that it wouldn't auto tune the ILS freq.  Once I put it in preselect, it caught up and started the approach. Lots to watch out for coming in to an airport. 


  3. I was flying a flight plan into Burbank CA and had loaded the ILS Z approach. I got near TOAKS and pushed the APPR button to kick into approach mode. In the photo you can see SILEX which is the next point on the approach so I know it was loaded in. I got the white No APPR message on the PFD and the Autopilot kicked off. I have done this twice and it won't sequence to green needles on this approach automatically. I also saw a No Sequence warning along the way as well. 

    It is somewhat challenging because yesterday I flew 3 approaches to KVNY next door. It always sequenced to green needed and flew the ILS. Could it just be this airport? On the approach you can see it doesn't follow the LOC very well. This last photo is just before landing. It went almost full scale deflection then corrected at the last moment toward the runway. 


  4. Thank you for the note. I started to think the little circle was the slip indicator but then noticed the tiny rectangle does that. 

    Is there any written documents for using the HUD that you know of? The more I use it the better I get but it would cause less trial and error if I could read about it. 


  5. On 1/17/2022 at 6:50 AM, Muchimi said:

    I was having the same issue. 
    From the Bombardier docs, looks like 30 nautical miles and less than 105 degree intercept (section 04-10-50 page 201 of volume 2 of the flight crew operations and section 04-10-30 page 181).

    You need CDU1 and CDU2 to have the same flight plan active (I just copy CDU1 from CDU2 and for good measure put a copy in CDU3 as well).  It took me a while to realize the copy of approach (localizer) data between the flight computers wasn't automatic on this aircraft (there apparently isn't a primary FMS that can be selected), and importantly there is no message that localizer/glideslopw capture is disabled such as "LOC UNABLE" via a message on the CDU when the avionics don't have at least two independent systems to track from.  This had me plow the internets and landed me in Smartcockpit's documentation on the Challenger 605 which also uses the Collins Pro 21 avionics.  The 605 is similar to the 650 except for engines and range looks like but it looks pretty much the same in terms of operations.

    Any chance you can refer me to where you got the documentation? I am having some challenges understanding the approach modes and this would help a lot.  


  6. Solved it myself. As I was working on changing the lights on a night flight, my cursor was near the switches just above them that change the PFD and MFD settings in case one fails. Somehow my mfd setting moved off NORM and I lost the MFD. Putting them back to Norm brought it back. Kind of a sim issue when adjusting knobs with a mouse. What I point at is not always what changes. Lesson learned. 

  7. While flying yesterday, the pilot mfd went blank. I used the copilot until we landed and thought it was just a glitch. Started up today and it was still inop. CB's checked and all are in. Tried to find a specific CB and couldn't find it. Behind the copilot are cb's for his side. Looked behind pilot and couldn't find them. Without it I can't see the data to start the engines and run the checklist as the others are not on yet.

    Started a new plane and now it works. Any idea what may have happened? 

  8. This has happened to me as well. Yesterday I was pushing the bleed air buttons and accidently pushed the left tenth stage valve. It was indicating closed but when I pushed it all the valves started working again and I was back to normal. I am guessing it is a glitch. This valve issue seems to happen if I leave the sim for awhile when I am in the middle of the checklist. I saw reference to them locking out during an overheat situation and thought if I turned off the APU for awhile it would fix itself but that was not the solution. 

  9. This has happened to me twice now. I have been watching videos on running the flight compartment checklist. In the checklist I performed the bleed air tests and the switches worked fine. After a break and running the engine start checklist, these two valves no longer work. I thought maybe a CB popped but all are in. If I look at the synoptic, nothing moves when I press the switch buttons. I have good AC and DC power.  My only recourse is to start with a new cold dark aircraft. 

    I don't think this is a systems issue but more of a glitch in the aircraft. Anyone experience this? 

  10. Suddenly the IAS button on my multi-panel is connected to the YD (yaw damper). Originally is connected to the FLC button on the autopilot.

    Can anyone guide me to the line in the script that sets that value and tell me what it should read?  I have been using the mouse on the screen to push that button but it is irritating me now. I use that function regularly and like so many computer issues, who knows what electron flew out of line to get that to happen but it would be great to get it back. 

    Would it be better just to find and load the original script again rather than track down one little error? 

  11. Suddenly the FLC button on my multi-panel is connected to the YD (yaw damper).

    Can anyone guide me to the line in the script that sets that value and tell me what it should read?  I have been using the mouse on the screen to push that button but it is irritating me now. I use that function regularly and like so many computer issues, who knows what electron flew out of line to get that to happen but it would be great to get it back. 

    Would it be better just to find and load the original script again rather than track down one little error? 

  12. I had this issue and the Ground Services menu had APU Battery Connection on it. I clicked on it and it got my battery back. Not sure what that is supposed to represent? If I had a bad battery, that was the ground guy charging it?  In any case, thanks for the clue. 

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