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  1. Thanks jRollon To Cessna729 Some of the equipment I bought used. The expensive Precision Flight Controls are the older Serial version but work flawlessly in xPlane 10 (win7). The challenge was to find a compatible Serial Card as new PC's no longer come with serial ports. The Pokeys interface costs only 50 Euro and can control 55 inputs / 55 outputs and a slew of LCD displays (no programming needed). I wrote a tutorial on its use on the "other" forum. The Teensy controller has ($24) can control 46 inputs /outputs and a bunch of LCD displays (but you need knowledge of Andruino programming). I wrote a tutorial on its use. I do not consider myself an expert pilot but enjoy building the cockpits. I just purchased a REAL WWII twin engine Aircraft fuselage and cockpit which I will integrate the controls with xPlane. (my wife isn't too happy...) By the way, jRollon's planes are fully compatible with my hardware with the following notes: CRJ200 no problems Mentor (jRollon will fix radio's in the near future) but all other controls work fine. Jetstream (jRollon is ready to release a fix) all other controls work fine. Not every SAITEK autopilot function works as predicted as the Jetsream has a more sophisticated system Marc.
  2. I'm very happy and thrilled to hear about the progress! jRollon, you're my hero !!! If you need help testing on compatibility issues, let me know. I use the : Saitek Radio Panels (Com1 / Com2 / Nav1 / Nav2 /ADF / DME / XPDR) Saitek Multi Panel (Autopilot Panel / AutoThrottle / Flaps control / Elevator Trim ) Saitek Switch Panel (Cowl / Magnetos / Starter / Batteries / Light controls / De-Ice / Landing Gear) Precision Flight Controls (SERIAL professional Flight Control Console with integrated Yoke) Precision Flight Controls (SERIAL professional Rudder Pedals) Precision Flight Controls (SERIAL professional Throttle Quadrant) Teensy Arduino Controller for the instruments and displays Pokeys Controller for the remainder of the hundreds of switches, controls and displaysP.S.Would it be possible to do the same modification for the Mentor Radio's ? Your planes are just awesome! Keep up the good work. Marc
  3. Happy New Year !!! Would it be possible to release a version of the wonderful Jetstream with DEFAULT datarefs? There are quite a few users of SAITEK and other 3rd party Com/Nav controls who face the same problem. I spend “mega bucks” on my custom cockpit and the use of a mouse or keyboard is not practical and virtually impossible in my configuration. I wish there was some hint or symbol which would give the buyer a clue that an aircraft uses non-standard datarefs. This comment is not meant in a negative way ( I admire your work and attention to detail) but it becomes very frustrating that lately, some developers use custom datarefs /shortcuts /keystrokes for existing xPlane functions. I understand that sometimes it is a tossup in-between realism and functionality but in case of the Jetstream, the radio's should be able to be controlled by the default datarefs. I do agree that there might be cases that custom datarefs are needed for non-existing functions. v/r Marc
  4. Congratulations with the wonderful plane. The paint job, detail, flight characteristics are AWESOME Unfortunately there seem to be some incompatibility problems with users who uses SAITEK Panels. The SAITEK PRO FLIGHT RADIO PANEL suppose to control Com1, Com2, Nav1, Nav2, ADF, DME, XPDR. The displays show the correct frequencies but none of the frequencies can be changed using the Saitek Panel. (when turning the frequency knobs the frequency briefly changes but jumps back to it's previous setting) Notes: I have a slew of payware and freeware aircraft and besides the "Mentor", this is the only plane that doesn't want to "listen" to the Saitek frequency changes The SAITEK PRO FLIGHT MULTI PANEL suppose to control most of the autopilot functions. Besides Heading, the other functions do not work or work erratically. Thank you for looking in to this. Marc
  5. Finished the BAF livery Thank you so much for creating this outstanding Aircraft P.S. I attached the screenshots The livery can be downloaded here:forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=16618 Belgian Air Force DC-3 60 years of Belgian Air Force Livery This livery has both front and aft doors and has been slightly weathered The livery is intended for use with the SUBERP Leading Edge Simulations DC-3 This payware aircraft is available here: http://www.x-aviatio...&products_id=84 Instructions: Unzip the “BAF_Dakota.zip” into your liveries-folder To REPLACE the standard propellers with the yellow tipped black ones, replace the “props.png”, in your “\Douglas DC-3\objects” folder with the one included in the “BAF_Dakota.zip” (located in the New_Prop subfolder) REPLACING THE PROPS.PNG will affect EVERY LIVERY !!! so please backup the original props.png first In case you make a mistake … the original is also located in this ZIP (located in the Orig_Prop subfolder)
  6. Good morning, I'm in the progress of creating a BAF livery. This livery has the aft cargo doors. Your paintkit fuselage shows 6 windows but when the plane is rendered it shows 7 windows ?! Magic ? Am I overlooking something ? I'm not sure what file is used to render the 7th window or where the "alpha channel" for the cabin windows is loacated. The problem lies that the DC3 with cargo doors only has 6 windows, so I need to find a way to delete the 7th window (located next to the hinges of the cargo door) Thank you so much
  7. Thank you so much! Changing the parameters in planemaker solved my issue. I started making a BAF livrery this evening. SEE ATTACHED PIC The front and aft doors are finished Still need to remove the 7th window and apply some more weathering as those military birds do not seem to be "polished". Quite of few more warning labels and mrakings to add. Will keep you posred. Marc
  8. Thanks ! and I'm impressed with the quick a thorough customers service I'll give that a try. (after I cut some grass ...) BTW I'm using a Precision Flight Console. Marc
  9. I just installed the fantastic DC-3 I first thought that the flaps did not work but I did hear a quick "click sound" The flaps do work but at approximately 0.3 degrees per click. This means that I have to click the flap lever about 100 times .... not very practical. I rebooted the machine (Win 7 -64 bit, I7 with 16g mem, Nvidia GeForce 560 with 2G ddr5) but with the same results There is NO other software loaded on that machine besides, Xplane 10, winRar, winZip, Acrobat and a couple of xPlane utilities. Thanks
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