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  1. Good day, I'm sure I'm doing a few things incorrectly. I have flown the TBM 900 for 10--15 hours or so, but over the last 2-3 weeks, after setting up / starting the engine etc, and configuring for flight, just as I click the "Enable VR Headset" button so I can taxi for takeoff, the program crashes to the desktop about 70% of the time. This does not happen with any of the other planes / helicopters. I uninstalled X-plane a week or so ago, loaded a fresh copy and then installed the Quatam River add-on scenery pack by Propstrike. The first hint of trouble a few weeks ago, was when I launched X-Plane, loaded the TBM, selected the airport (Quatam RIver) . On a subsequent launch of X-Plane, the program booted straight to the VR activation screen (the hangar view). The only button avbl then, is the "Disable VR Headset" option. When you click that, it could either go to the normal startup menu for X-plane, or it could crash to the desktop. It also crashes to the desktop at other airports as well (JFK, MIA, ORD FLL) etc If I launch any other plane / helicopter, at any combination of airports, the sim seems to work ok. I am well aware that its possible to fly the sim with things that are not right, so not having it crash with planes / helis other than the TBM does not mean that my setup is ok. I'm wondering if my HTC Vive Pro Headset, or flight control hardware or Xplane software, computer hardware needs to have driver updates. I've done several updates recently, but I may have missed something, or gotten it wrong some other way. Happy for any and all suggestions. Kind regards, Konrad Log (1).txt
  2. Very happy with the TBM900 which I picked up about 2 weeks ago. I've been doing flight sims since the 90s, and this is a superlative setup. Quite immersive and faitifully replicated. Going off on a tangent. Seeing discussions about the Challenger, and also a 737? add-on for X-Plane 12. I know it's not as easy as flipping switch on/off, but is there any thought being given to expanding that same level of authenticity and realism of the TBM900 to a turbine helicopter(Bell 407 etc?)
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