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Everything posted by benc

  1. Problem has been solved. I rebuilt the engine in engine manager while inflight and immediately speed returned to normal levels.
  2. I've downloaded and installed 2.0.2 Cirrus SR22TN Entegra update with SimGear hardware. Thank you for fixing the autopilot issues. It's working beautifully now and was untenable previously as it would pitch +/- 20 degrees making precision approaches impossible.Everything is great except the plane is flying incredibly slow. Instead of cruising at 175kts, I'm hitting 145kts. What use to take 20% power in the pattern to hold speed now takes 50%. Issue is across the board. Flaps are up, engine power 100%, fully rich, RPM's correct, engine parameters are all normal. It's almost like I'm in an SR20 instead of the SR22TN.Can you help me resolve this?
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